Friday, April 6, 2012

ReligiON, ReligiOFF; "Berkat Jumaat" in English!

Assalamualaikum , good day and welcome to today "Berkat Jumaat". You probably don't understand what "Berkat Jumaat" is. Well, "Berkat Jumaat" is a religious slot on Infinitesane, and since I'm not good on writing things about religious in English, I always write in Malay in this slot. "Berkat Jumaat" literally mean "Friday's Blessing". It doesn't mean that Friday gives us blessing, it is just Friday is the "Head of the days in a week" and Allah rewarding more blessing in this day. So, may we get blessed on this blessing day. I hope you understand my explaination. ¿Claro?

Okay today I want to tell you about Islamic view on modernization. I think almost all muslim will get offended by the "joke" image above. And I also think a lot religious people will get offended by that. First of all, it's not made by me. I just found that here and think that I should share this thing to all.

(Baca lagi = Read more)

First of all, I will not write about other religious in this entry. I don't have much knowledge about other religious and I just want to tell you my opinion based on my muslim perspective.

Let's start. Basically most (not all) of the westerners believe that by seperating religion from other things in life will bring modernization to them. Well, for me as a muslim I'll definitely denying it. Have you heard about Islamic Golden Age? Well, it was not called "golden" age for their gold only, but they were called "golden" age for their golden achievement in every aspect. I give you this wikipedia link so you can read later. One of the most popular achievement is the "birth" of algebra. Well, it comes from arabic word, "al-jabr" right? Correct me if I'm wrong. For another in-depth explaination, click youtube link below for a video series about Islamic Golden Age.

Part 1: Click Here
Part 2: Click Here
Part 3: Click Here
Part 4: Click Here
Part 5: Click Here
Part 6: Click Here

I decided not to embed those videos because it'll make this entry longer. Believe me, Islam is not a terrorist religion. It is the terrorist ideology make them a terrorist. Islam arrive in this archipelago (South East Asia) not by bringing weapon, instead they come to meet the Sultan peacefully to deliver their "da'wah" (wiki explain here) and the Sultan attracted to embrace Islam thus making Islam official religion there. It is a natural tendency for malay people to follow what their Sultan order. Just recently, malay youngster didn't have much spirit anymore. But not all of them of course. It's a Malay thing.

"Raja adil raja disembah, Raja zalim raja disanggah" (A just king worshipped, A tyrant king shunned)

I believe I've went away from our topic right? Let's get back to the topic. Many things happen during Islamic Golden Age. I can say it is the most trending empire during that time. They fix old knowledge and found new one at that time. And people behave as a civilised people. Why? Because they practice Islam as it suppose to be. You maybe always heard this thing but I will say it again.

"Islam is the way of life"

Everything we did is an "Ibadah" (wiki explain), a devotion as long as we did it properly. We have each manner in everything we did. There is eating manner, studying manner, sleeping manner, and many more. "Ibadah" is not just praying, fasting or perform Hajj (wiki explain) in mecca. My point is seperating religion in life is not the key solution toward modarnization. Well at least not for Islam. Do you know Athan? Or many other similar spelling, adhan, azan but you get it. It is the Islamic call to prayer. Wikipedia explaination here. There is a line which is

"حي على الفلاح" "Hayya 'ala 'l-falah" means "Let's come to success."

It shows us that Islam prefer a better tomorrow. And also show us there is no restriction to go to modernity. The rules that were made to make sure we will behave as a civilised people. Just take a look nowadays. What happen to all teenagers. It is not only their fault that they become socially problematic. For a Muslim, it is because they are lacking of religious cautiousness. Yes, here in Malaysia we still have teenagers behavior problem. But, not all teenagers of course. In Islam, there is also social manners. How to socialized. Yeah, you got modernity but look at your people. Did they became a civilised persons? I don't have the answer.

So, why Islamic Golden Age falls apart? Well, they did what most westerner do today. They leave religion apart from their live. They got the taste of power and pleasureness, they forgot who give them the power which is Allah. Then, Muslim started to broken into pieces. They start to hate each other, killing each other eventhough we are all muslim. They can't manage their differences. And now, I got to admit, we need to climb up again from bottom to become great again. I hope one day, Muslims will be respected again and people will understand that Islam is not hazardous or dangerous. It is people that dangerous. People who lose their faith.

Actually Islam have a guideline how to deal with non-muslim. We did not make enemy just by religious differences. There is two type of non-muslim, one is making Islam as their enemy, one is respecting Islam as other religion. The one who make Islam as their enemy is the one we need to be cautious. Once they attack us, we cannot let them do it again. So, the key point is respect. If you don't respect us, how can you expect we will respect you back? right? Same thing goes to the Muslim. As I told you before, Muslim now broken to pieces because they cannot manage differences. They need to respect each other, as long as Islam still number one.

I think that is all for now, I'm not sure whether you can understand or not. As I told you before, I'm not good on writing religious thing in English. My bad if I'm wasting your time. If you understand and you like it, share or comment. Or if you understand but don't like it, just comment okay.

Lastly before I leave, I need to remind you that wikipedia is not a good source to learn Islam. Read, understand quran, find Imam or Islamic scholar for any question. You can ask me a few question but I'm not going to guarantee you can get the answer because I'm not too knowledgable. You can use wikipedia for a basic definition. Like the Adhan info above, you can see the difference between the Shia and Sunni adhan, but here in Malaysia we're sunni and do not recommend shia to develop in Malaysia to avoid any unwanted chaos.

With that, I'll see you tomorrow InsyaAllah,
See you later,
Hasta luego,


p/s: There is so much term we learn today right? Da'wah, Ibadah, Hajj and Adhan. For non-Muslim, I hope you'll get a better view on this issue.

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