Sunday, July 31, 2011

Ahlan wa sahlan wa marhaban ya Ramadhan

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera kepada semua pengunjung Infinitesane.

Baiklah, seperti yang dapat anda semua lihat di video diatas, maka dengan rasminya esok kita semua sebagai umat islam berpuasa di bulan Ramadhan. Tak ada rasa "nervous" ke? saya selalu rasa "nervous" bila mana menjelang Ramadhan. Mula-mula sekali, jom kita recap apa maksud puasa. Puasa adalah menahan diri daripada melakukan perkara-perkara yang membatalkan puasa bermula dari terbit fajar hingga terbenam matahari beserta niat (copy paste dari blog ini). Bukan hanya sekadar menahan lapar dan dahaga. Perkara-perkara yang membatalkan puasa bolehlah anda semua "google" sahaja, berlambak keputusannya. Kerana ini bukan kelas ibadat, sebaliknya kita nak cerita pasal puasa ini. Harap anda semua dapat "keep up" kalau entri ini panjang.

Baiklah, hari ini hari terakhir sebelum kita semua berpuasa pada esok hari walaupun waktu saya menulis entri ini jam sudah pun menunjukkan angka 11 malam. Kalendar Islam juga dikenali sebagai kalendar Qamariah (Bulan), manakala kalender yang biasa kita guna ni digelar kalendar Shamsiah (Matahari). Betulkan kalau salah. Maksudnya hari baru bagi kalendar Islam bermula saat bulan mula "terbit" berbanding kalendar biasa yang kita guna, hari baru bermula saat matahari mula terbit. Kiranya sekarang sudah pun masuk 1 Ramadhan. Petang tadi, untuk mengalu-alukan kedatangan Ramadhan, saya dan keluarga menikmati makanan Arab di kedai makan berdekatan.

Sejujurnya, saya tak pernah menghadiri tarawih pertama selain daripada semasa di SDAR dahulu, itupun rasanya puasa pertama biasanya saya pulang. Makanya, biasanya saya memang tak hadir tarawih pertama. Namun tadi, saya rasa serba salah kerana saya yakin tiada apa sangat pun yang akan dilakukan di rumah nanti. Rumah depan surau je (kalau perasan, kat video diatas dapat dengar speaker surau yang kuat time Ramadhan saja). Akhirnya saya mengambil keputusan untuk mengerjakan solat tarawih. Lagipun, surau di depan rumah saya ni hanya buat 8 rakaat sahaja.

Sebenarnya ini suatu perasaan yang luar biasa, kerana buat pertama kali, kalbu saya bagai benar-benar berkata-kata dengan saya. Saya berjalan mundar-mandir di dalam rumah tadi. Dan sangat mengujakan kerana "dia" bagai bersungguh-sungguh mengajak saya. Macam ada "force" yang menarik saya sebentar tadi. Walau apapun keajaiban yang berlaku, saya bersyukur dan berterima kasih kepada suara dalam hati tadi yang jarang sekali bersuara dan mengajak saya mengambil kesempatan di bulan mulia ini.

Setibanya saya di surau, saya tidak dapat bersolat di ruang utama kerana telah penuh. Senario ini biasa dilihat di awal Ramadhan namun mula pudar menjelang akhir Ramadhan, stesen-stesen televisyen banyak menayangkan program-program menjelang raya yang menarik. Harap-harap tahun ini saya tak terpengaruh lagi.

Ada banyak perancangan yang ingin saya buat di bulan ini, tapi biarlah rahsia dan bila tiba masanya akan anda semua nikmati, insyaAllah...

Sampai sini dahulu, jumpa lagi di lain hari.

Baca lagi>>

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Malaysia vs Singapore 2nd Leg World Cup Qualifier Review

Assalamualaikum and hello to all my Infinitesane visitor.

Again, I'm deeply sorry for a very late entry about the World Cup 2014 qualifier match between Malaysia vs Singapore. I notice a lot of Singaporeans visited this blog to read about that match review. I'm really trying to relief the frustration I'm having these few days. I'm sorry because this entry is not much about that match but the situation post-match. However, firstly I would like to congratulate Singapore team that manage to go to the third round again.

Even though I said I'm not going to tell much about that match, I'll start with a simple review about that match.

Firstly, I would like to talk about Singapore team performance. What's good about them is they got naturalized citizen, and they they really an experienced players in many aspect. They didn't waste opportunities to score goals. If it is not Khairul Fahmi's top performance, we may conceded a lot more goals. You can see Malaysian players always do a lot more passing error and wasted opportunities in front of goal. Maybe they're still young and inexperienced. Singaporean players also are really good on acting. Just to quote a newspaper report, "their acting is much better than Christiano Ronaldo". Just imagine how good it is. Well, even this tactic seems cruel, not gentleman and mean, it really work. Malaysia game play and game flow get distracted. As a result, the attacking play that Malaysia want to play not really working.

Malaysia on the other side, not playing with many key players. Shahrul Idlan Talaha (injured), Safiq Rahim (Suspended), Aidil Zafuan (played for a while, then get injured again). Thank you to Khairul Fahmi Che Mat that get back his top form so that Malaysia not conceded more goals. Safee Sali is always a superb but without support, not much he can do. And the defensive line was better than when they played in Singapore. The goal conceded was definitely their mistake again. Singaporeans should thank Asraruddin Putra for ball watching and easily allowing a player to run in front of him without making a pressure.

As a conclusion, Malaysia need to develop more quality players like Shahrul Idlan Talaha, Safiq Rahim and Safee Sali. Their confidence against whoever their opponent is awesome. I still have hope with the olympic squad though. They win against a Slovakian club lately on their home ground.

First Half Highlight:

All goals Highlight:

Let's talk about post-match. I'm pretty pleased with the fans reaction after the match. It's true that Malaysia team was not at their best on that night, and it's disappointing fans. HOWEVER, most of the fans still standing behind them. The media also had changed their attitude upon the failure. If you want to compare the scene before "the rise of the tigers", when Malaysia team lost or played badly, the media will surely made a bad report to them, but this time none of the mainstream media talk bad about them. It did mention the defensive weakness, but they also make a lot of article that to cheer them up and motivate players to learn from their mistake and to improve themselves to strive in future since they're still young and can played in 10 more years.

In my opinion, even though Malaysia team were not at their best last night due to the lack of chemistry, they show their spirit to win it whatever it takes to appreciate fans who comes to stadium. The stadium once again made history for a full house attendance. Something we don't see 10 years ago. And seeing Shahrul Idlan Talaha shed in tears at spectators seats, touched fans. And Safiq Rahim welling tears at interview session shows his frustration. To "Malayan Tiger", we still behind your back supporting all of you. Never give up and hope you'll be the best in the world.

However, I do have some pissed off moment:
1. Why Fakri Sa'rani played since I think he's not bring impact to the game even in the first leg.
2. Why Baddrol Bakhtiar and Ashaari didn't play because I personally think they're better than Fakri Sa'rani.
3. Why they loved to played fancy and tricky pass and at the end the pass didn't delivered. Why the pass need to go through leg? What is important is the pass delivered, It's not about how beautifully or tricky or skillfully the pass is.

That's is the only point I'm really pissed off.

That's it for now, I'm truly sorry for a bad grammar in this entry. My body is not feeling well after having durians too much, so my brain is not functioning well.

See you later, Hasta luego, Mata ne

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Thursday, July 28, 2011

Ucapan khas menjelang perlawanan kelayakan Piala Dunia Malaysia vs Singapura

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera kepada semua pengunjung Infinitesane.

Entri kali ini ialah tentang ucapan dan kata-kata semangat saya menjelang perlawanan hari Malaysia menentang Singapura untuk kelayakan Piala Dunia pusingan kedua timbal balik kedua di Stadium Nasional Bukit Jalil. Sebelum saya memulakan entri ini, ingin saya meminta maaf atas kekasaran bahasa pada entri sebelum ini. Pastinya ada segelintir orang berpendapat bahawa saya ini lalang dan sebagainya. Jangan salah faham. Saya kecewa dan menunjukkan apa masalah yang perlu diselesaikan. Samada saya sediakan penyelesaiannya atau tidak, itu perkara kedua. Dengan teguran saya itu, saya berharap pasukan kesayangan saya ini akan meningkatkan mutu persembahan mereka. Jadi, sekali lagi saya meminta maaf, saya akan sentiasa menyokong kalian samada kalian menang atau seri atau kalah. Tapi kalau boleh, biarlah kurangkan kalah ya?

Baiklah, sebagai seorang penyokong, menjadi tanggungjawab kita untuk memberi sokongan kepada pasukan kesayangan kita. Kepada muslimin dan muslimat, banyak-banyakkanlah doa kita kepada mereka agar mereka berjaya. Saya tak pernah melupakan mereka dalam doa saya. Begitu juga pemain-pemain yang beragama Islam, berdoa dan berserahlah setelah berusaha bersungguh-sungguh. Kalah atau menang itu lumrah.

Sekarang demam bola sepak Malaysia melanda negara dengan penjualan tiket yang habis 60,000 pada hari pertama dan bakinya dijual pada hari kedua dan habis dalam masa dua jam sahaja yang mana mengundang amarah peminat yang menunggu lama untuk mendapatkan tiket dan menimbulkan spekulasi tentang ulat-ulat tiket yang menangguk di air yang keruh. Tak mengapalah, tonton sahaja di televisyen dan bersama mendoakan mereka.

Secara peribadi, saya sebenarnya tak kisah tentang kalah menang, YANG PENTING, pemain-pemain Malaysia mempamerkan persembahan bertenaga dan menarik untuk kepuasan penonton yang MEMBAYAR tiket.

Tentang keputusan, saya rasa TAK MUSTAHIL SANGAT SANGAT MALAYSIA MAMPU MENJARINGKAN BANYAK GOL. Kerana saya melihat bahagian serangan Malaysia berfungsi dengan baik. Namun, ada lagi suara-suara sumbang memperlekehkan kemampuan jentera serangan Malaysia. Katanya, tak mungkin Malaysia mampu menjaringkan gol sebanyak itu. Pendapat saya, kalau kita pegang game, dan midfielder sedap main bola, bola pun cantik je flow dia ke striker, 10-0 pun tak mustahil. Yang menjadi punca kekalahan tempoh hari adalah barisan pertahanan. Tapi tak guna kita ungkit lagi, takut terganggu mental mereka. Mana mungkin serangan kita tak bagus bila kita mampu bangkit setelah ketinggalan 4-1? Tak bagus lagi ke? Agaknya kena tunggu Malaysia menang World cup dulu agaknya baru terpadam pemikiran negatif beliau yang sangat saya hormati itu. Atas dasar profesionalisme, saya tak akan mendedahkan siapa beliau. Dalam permainan bola sepak, ia mementingkan kesefahaman dan gerak kerja sepasukan, naturalisasikanlah Lionel Messi atau Christiano Ronaldo sekalipun, kalau tiada kerjasama, tak menang juga. Percayalah, dari penjaga gol, ke barisan pertahanan, ke barisan midfield hingga ke striker, semua sama penting. Semua gena bergerak sebagai satu pasukan.

Untuk Harimau Malaya, peminat sudah berkorban wang dan masa kepada anda, tinggal anda sahaja perlu menterjemahkannya di atas padang. Akhir sekali dari saya, saya cipta lagu mini khas untuk Harimau Malaya. Harap anda suka. Saya belum mahir bermain gitar dan saya memandang lirik kerana rakaman dilakukan sejurus selepas selesai lagu digubah.

Setiap kali kau diuji,
Kau tak gentar 'tuk menghadapi,
Bagai harimau,
Kaulah wira

Berjuanglah demi negara,
Melangkah kaki ke puncak dunia,
Tiada apa yang ditakuti,
Melainkan hatimu sendiri

Tunjukkan kepada musuhmu,
Belangmu yang datangkan gerun,
Musnahkan dia,

Setiap kali kau diuji,
Kau tak gentar 'tuk menghadapi,
Bagai harimau,
Kaulah wira

p/s: Skuad Olimpik beroleh kemenangan pertama pada perlawanan pertama mereka pada jelajah Slovakia mereka. Tahniah. Baca lagi>>

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Copa America belongs to Uruguay!!!

Assalamualaikum and Hello to all Infinitesane visitor,

Today is also a short entry about the recent Copa America tournament, I would like to congratulate Uruguay for winning it for their 15th times. Denying Paraguay in Final by 3-0, scored by Luis Suarez and Diego Forlan. I'm not on Paraguay side actually because I don't like the idea of winning by penalty even though Uruguay defeated Argentina by penalty shoot out, they put a great game. Penalty shoot out is just like tossing coin competition. Maybe that shows us that they have great defense but I would like to be entertained by the match. So, I'm very pleased by Uruguay performance that night. They played well and deserved to be the champion.

That's all for now,
See you tomorrow, Hasta mañana, Mata ashita...

Baca lagi>>

Monday, July 25, 2011

World Cup Qualifier - 2nd Round, 1st Leg; Singapore vs Malaysia Review

Assalumalaikum and Hello to all Infinitesane visitor,

Firstly I want to apologize for being late again to post this entry. I'm away from internet this few days. But I've watched the match and I'm furious, frustrated and many other unpleasing feeling. To be honest, I'm not interested to make this review, but since I've promised before, I will do it though.

This entry may be short, first goal in the first minute, Safee Sali once again show the world he is one of the most prolific striker in this region, by scoring the fastest goal in his career maybe, the goal comes in 19 second after the kick-off.

Thing seems to get well, HOWEVER...

Than again, same issues and problem. The sloppy defender give away opponent goals. I'm sorry I'm not gonna review it since I'm not interested. Captain Safiq Rahim was sent off, then Malaysia score 2nd goal from Abdul Hadi Yahya who is the top scorer in Malaysia Super League, and Safee Sali again score the 3rd goal. After the deficit reduced by only one goal, sloppy defender did it again. Singapore score the 5th goal. You can watch all the highlight here.

First half goals:

Second half goals:

I really don't know what to say, I'm disappointed with the defenders. Why did they do that? Doesn't they know how hard the striker to score the goals? They don't communicate, not marking players well, couldn't read the player who make a run. Didn't secure the range and many more. Simply put, just like coach Rajagopal said, they're look like being hypnotized.

I'm not a coach, I don't know what should they do about the defender's discipline on the pitch. Some said because of the artificial grass, I don't know but I think that should not be the excuse.

But, by the end, I still support them win or lose. I'm just hoping that they'll getting better and better and show us an entertaining game. I'm sorry if my words really hurt them but that's the truth. They need to know that their supporters are worried right now with this performance. Where is the spirit we have in the AFF tournament? We need that right now. Please play well and follow what the coach's instructions.

That's all,
See you later, Hasta luego, Mata ne.

(Read more = Baca lagi) Baca lagi>>

Friday, July 22, 2011

Ulasan Perlawanan Malaysia XI vs Chelsea (Versi Bahasa Melayu)

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera dan salam satu djiwa buat semua pelawat-pelawat Infinitesane

Di atas permintaan seorang rakan saya melalui laman sosial, saya akan membuat ulasan perlawanan Malaysia XI menentang Chelsea. Walaupun ini bukannya terjemahan bulat-bulat, tapi isinya sama dengan apa yang ada di entri sebelum ini. Ini hanya sekadar pilihan samada ingin membaca dalam Bahasa Inggeris ataupun bahasa ibunda, Bahasa Melayu.

Baiklah, kita mulakan. Ong Kim Swee berjaya menambat hati peminat bola sepak Malaysia, malah ada yang beranggapan kita mampu untuk melakukan kejutan ke atas nama-nama besar di dalam kumpulan kelayakan olimpik London yakni Jepun, Bahrain dan Syria. Namun ada banyak lagi ruang untuk diperbaiki terutamanya ketajaman penyudah penyerang skuad olimpik ini.

Apa kepentingan Ong Kim Swee memanggil beberapa pemain senior di Liga Super? Adakah beliau tidak yakin dengan kemampuan barisannya? Pada pandangan saya, dengan adanya pemain berpengalaman ini akan mengurangkan rasa gemuruh mereka untuk berdepan barisan pemain 5 bintang ini. Kerana bila mental mereka tak kuat, mereka tak akan bermain dengan prestasi sebenar mereka. Selepas pemain-pemain senior menunjukkan kepada mereka bahawa tiada apa yang perlu ditakutkan dengan pemain-pemain 5 bintang ini, skuad olimpik pun ditukar secara beransur-ansur dan mereka dapat bermain seperti biasa. Hanya risikonya di sini ialah kesefahaman pemain-pemain senior yang baru dipanggil bersama selama 2 minggu agak kurang. Kita dapat lihat banyak hantaran yang tak dapat disempurnakan kerana mereka tak dapat membaca gerakan akan dijana oleh rakan sepasukannya. Namun ingin saya tekankan disini pembabitab S.Subramaniam dan Farizal Marlias serta Norhafiz Zamani Misbah benar-benar membantu. Saya merasakan layak buat Subramaniam untuk menyertai skuad utama kebangsaan sekiranya persembahan malam semalam dapat dikekalkan. Farizal Marlias tidak dapat dinafikan lagi kemampuannya semalam memang terpuji. Nampaknya Malaysia tidak akan ketandusan penjaga gol buat masa ini. Bagaimanapun, saya mengharapkan Joseph Kallang Tie dapat memberi persembahan yang lebih baik dari semalam. Namun saya mengerti bahawa dia belum mendapat keserasian dengan pemain lain dan mungkin juga dia gemuruh.
Subramaniam memberi tekanan kepada Fernando Torres

Cubaan merbahaya Shahrul Azwari ke arah pintu gol

Selepas skuad olimpik dimasukkan secara beransur-ansur, baru saya nampak "urgency" dalam serangan mereka kerana mereka telah pun bersama selama bertahun-tahun dan semestinya keserasian mereka lebih baik. Cuma seperti yang saya katakan di atas tadi, penyerang skuad ini perlu menggandakan usaha untuk menambah ketajaman mereka dihadapan pintu gol pihak lawan. Dari pemerhatian saya, di Malaysia, penyerang paling tajam penyudahnya hanya Safee Sali. Yang lain bukan tak bagus, cuma belum cukup tajam. Malangnya Safee Sali kini berada di usia akhir 20-an. Tapi tak mengapa, mungkin adik-adik dari skuad ini boleh mendapat tips dari beliau? Ingin saya ingatkan, arwah Mokhtar Dahari telah mendapat pengiktirafan berhubung kehebatannya semenjak beliau berusia awal 20-an lagi. Jadi kepada Harimau Muda, terus lipat gandakan usaha. Tak mengapa kita tetapkan matlamat kita besar. "Terbaik di dunia". Tak salah pun. Lihat bagaimana Tamil Arasu terlepas peluang keemasan.
Tamil Arasu dicabar Billy Clifford

Berhubung gol kontroversi Drogba; Komen saya biarlah, mungkin benar gol itu tak patut diberi tapi pengadil dan penjaga garisan hanyalah manusia biasa. Itu adat permainan ada kalah menang. Dan adakalanya, tuah memain peranan penting yang dalam kes ini, Chelsea hanya bernasib baik. Lihatlah sendiri, gol atau tidak?

Akhir sekali, berkenaan Yossi Benayoun di"boo" apabila dia mendapat bola. Kerana dia warganegara Israel. Kita memang sensitif dengan isu Israel ini kerana kita sayangkan saudara kita di Palestin yang ditindas. Pada sisi baiknya, rupanya ada kesedaran lagi kita tentang saudara kita di Palestin. Sisi buruknya, kita dipandang rasis pada dunia luar [klik sini]. Biarlah apa mereka nak kata, tapi kalau diikutkan memang kurang adil kita melampiaskan marah kita kepada Yossi Benayoun. Walau bagaimanapun, benda dah lepas, biarkan berlalu. Saya ingatkan orang Israel tak dibenarkan masuk ke negara ini? Hmmm...

Sampai sini sahaja ulasan saya tentang perlawanan malam tadi. Jumpa lagi pada ulasan perlawanan kelayakan Piala Dunia menentang Singapura sekiranya ada permintaan lagi.

Jumpa lagi...

p/s: semua gambar diambil dari, semua video dari sokernet.
Baca lagi>>

Malaysia XI vs Chelsea Review

Assalamualaikum and hello to all Infinitesane visitors.

As I promised before, here is the review from last night match between Malaysia XI vs Chelsea. First of all, I'm sorry if this entry comes little late. It's just too much distraction avoiding me to write this entry. I'm not blaming anybody but the heat here wearing me out. I just felt like I want to lay down all day long. Anyhow, last night, just a great match for the "young tiger" or "harimau muda". I'm not sure whether I manage to point out all my point in my head right now because now I think I'm losing my concentration.

So, Ong kim Swee, the coach for Malaysia olympic squad did a very good job last night. If only they can sharpen their striker's finishing touch, I think they have a chance to qualify to olympic 2012 in London.

So, what is the importance of the senior and ex-national player do last night? My answer is to ease the pressure to the younger squad. I think if the younger squad starting the match last night, maybe they can't shows their true performance due to nervousness to compete against 5-star player. But it maybe just my prediction. However, the consequence is the chemistry between the senior player and the younger squad that have only trained together for two week is lacking. You can see the ideas here and there but usually the passes not properly delivered because the players couldn't read the game they want to play. But sometime, they also make a few threats to the chelsea side. However, the defensive line was awesome last night. The two center-back for this olympic team actually taken by coach Rajagopal for the senior squad against Singapore tomorrow, so Ong Kim Swee borrowed some of the senior player from Malaysian league which is ex-national player, Norhafiz Zamani Misbah and S.Subramaniam from Kelantan. Both of them played really well. A lot of dangerous chances (and I mean it) from Chelsea being denied by both of them, aside of Norhafiz Zamani Misbah which is I think not totally fit for national team anymore, I really think Rajagopal should consider Subramaniam to join the national squad. He just so good. He also played 90 minutes last night. We should also not forget the contribution of Farizal Marlias, a former national main goalkeeper that denies Torres and Sturridge chance to score. He just awesome last night. He was also the goalkeeper against Manchester United which ended by 3-2 for MU. As a conclusion, senior player that involves last night did a very good job especially the back line. And thanks to the other senior player. I just think that Joseph Kallang Tie was not playing in his top performance like he did in Final FA cup against Kelantan. Maybe he just nervous.
Subramaniam gives pressure to Fernando Torres

Shahrul Azwari attempt on goal

Move on to the olympic squad. As the games move on in second half, Ong Kim Swee make changes to give a chance to the olympic squad to gain experience. Only then, the game start to fired up especially attacking force since they already get their chemistry among them. And just I was said before, the finishing is a little bit lacking. However, they're still young and I really hope they can develop fast so it won't be too late to be at their peak. I notice that Safee Sali, the prolific striker from the main squad reaching his peak a little bit too late because he is over 25 to find his top form. But nothing wrong with that, you're awesome, it's true. Need I to remind here that the late Mokhtar Dahari, the legend get his recognition when he was just 20's. So to olympic squad, keep up the hard work, so you don't need to wait for long time to get recognized. I loved how the commentator kept saying that the young player competing against certain player such as Fandi Ahmad against Drogba, Ashley Cole and other top players. It shows us we can compete. The build up was so nice. The video below is the great chance by Tamil Arasu last night, look at the passes, world class right? Maybe he's nervous or he just lack of experience? Who know. But if Safee Sali was there, the chances of that ball to go in the net is much higher.
Tamil Arasu tightly guarded by Billy Clifford

The Drogba goal was controversial but, that's football (soccer). Sometimes linesman made some mistake and we should consider Chelsea got luck in this game. That's okay...See for yourself, you think? is it crossed the line or not?

Lastly, I want to point out something that was not related to football(soccer). It's about the incident of Yossi Benayoun get "booed" last night. I know he is an Israeli, that makes me wonder why he is allowed to come to Malaysia. I remember when Chelsea was about to come to Malaysia when Avram Grant was the manager, but cancelled due to Avram Grant nationality. He is also an Israeli. They should know, in Malaysia, even we are not extremist Muslim, we are warm and nice to other but, we still know and cry to our brothers and sisters in Palestine. We never acknowledge Israel as a country. They write "the sickening anti-Semitic abuse" in here but think again. If you think the "booed" was an abuse, how about Israel act to seize the land in the West Bank to make their own settlement? How about their threat to the peaceful flotilla? Is that not sickening enough for you? You made us, anti-Semitic looks like a criminals for hating what they did to our brothers? How about what they did? Is that not a crime? is that not an abuse? Think again.

(Okay, after I perform my solat, I began to think again, it is unfair to blame only on Yossi Benayoun right? Maybe I just caught emotionally regarding my brothers and sisters in Palestine. Maybe he(Benayuon)personally sympathize upon things happen in Palestine. Islam had taught us that not to treat others mean right? Maybe I'm wrong in this issues but in Malaysia, Israel is a sensitive issue. I apologize on my word a few hours ago. Still, I hate Israel action toward Palestinian.)

That's all for now, see you again in next entry about the World Cup qualifying match between Malaysia vs Singapore. I pray Malaysia will win.

Hasta Luego, Mata ne, Jumpa lagi...

p/s: All photos from, all videos from Sokernet.

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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Asian Can! Japan female soccer team proves it!

"Who need big physical when you have a big heart?"
Assalamualaikum and Hello to all Infinitesane visitor.

I'm so proud with these Japanese women, they just showed us Asian CAN be the best in the world. Asian always potreyed as weak compared to Caucasian and Negroid because we are smaller than them which makes them feel superior. I'm not saying all of them felt like that, but USUALLY they think like that. I know earlier days Bruce Lee's in America he's treated bad, just like an errand boy in the shooting set. But now they know Asian can also kick ass! just like Jackie Chan, Jet li and Bruce Lee, just mentioning a few names. But now is better than before. More respect shown to Asian, even we still being a jokes for them in a stand-up comedy. I'm cool with that, but maybe some of US felt offended. I know I'm off topic, but that's okay. I'm cooler now. Maybe I feel furious because I'm treated like that before. I'm small, look weak and people felt I'm not "man" enough. So now I hope with a little effort, my muscle start to shows up, I know not much but it's better compared with a stick right? I think I have a symptom of "Anorexia" in term of my muscle and not to food. I ate well, I think. Not throwing up, start to eat a lot more protein. But I reject any supplement. Okay, I think that's enough of my gibberish. I would like to apologize to any reader that is a Caucasian or Negroid who feel offended by my words. Just think it as watching a stand-up comedy even though I'm not making fun.

Actually I need to remind you here that this blog is not a sport's blog. It's general. This just so happen to be that this month many football (soccer) event occur and I love watching football. Thanks to my gibberish, I made this short entry longer. I just want to tell you that even the Japanese need run twice harder than the opponent(USA), but their determination show them that it was not their obstacle to be the best. And that spirit need to nurture inside every Malaysian players so that they know the toughest opponent are themselves.

This is the highlight of the dramatic final, credit to YouOpineGroup, it must be the most exciting day for them for their first time World cup title.

Lastly, nippon no sakka chimu he, omedetou gozaimasu...
I hope Malaysia will make it to the world cup.
I'll meet you again soon,
see you later, hasta luago, mata ne!

p/s: I've read somewhere before that Malaysian Women Football League will be organize to re-build a women football team that was terrible before. I admit that though, I hope it will bring benefit later.

Baca lagi>>

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Liverpool vs Malaysia match review

Assalamualaikum and Hello to all Infinitesane visitor.

Well, I notice from my feedjit, that some search brought them to this blog, and surely, they search a match review about Liverpool vs Malaysia this evening. I'm sorry about a little bit late response. I just need to rest this laptop, since the electricity bill is peaking. Once I turn on this laptop, I spend some times to view some of the facebook comment about the game because there is a lot of critics in the social world. I may have use that. And may I remind you that I'm not a football(Soccer) specialist, so maybe some of my opinion is not right. I didn't even know whether they changing the formation cause I don't notice that even though I know they're changing the formation once a while. So, before I start the review, I present to you, the highlight of the match. But, not all goals are included since nine goals are conceded tonight. The full result; Malaysia 3-6 Liverpool. Alas, I'm half-satisfied. But, I want to point out an interesting fact. If you notice, after Safee Sali scored his second goals, he wants to celebrate it with fans, but when he notice in front of him is the sea of reds, he turns back to celebrate with his team mates. Wow, he is totally disappointed with the Malaysian fans who rather wear the Liverpool's jersey instead of National's jersey. He stated his feeling in his facebook that urges fans to wear Malaysian jersey or color to motivate him and his team mate. Good job Safee...

just found another highlight, full goals, and the best part? It's in Arabic... I LOVE Arabic commentator, they are so passionate. watch it...

So, what does it mean that I'm half-satisfied? Based on the scorelines, we can conclude that our strike forces doing their job well and I'm totally satisfied with that, BUT APPARENTLY OUR DEFENDER DON'T. From what I've see, when Azmi Muslim replacing Asrarudin Putra, the hole is getting bigger. the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th goal comes from there. So, I assume this is something Liverpool player manage to sniff from the game. Malay said "Lubuk". I'm not sure what's the meaning in English.

Good Side?

But move to midfield and striker, much much better. The ball moving around. We didn't hold the possession, but we do makes a lot of dangerous attack from everywhere. I really enjoy this match, but disappointed with the defenders. But I understand that coach try to give chance players to play with the world class player.

I maybe bias, indeed I am. I'm just gonna share the joy about how awesome Malaysia goals are. Because, okay, let have a short explanation about Liverpool's goals.

1st goal: New signing Charlie Adam Penalty kick. Referee decision, debatable.

2nd goal: Lucky goal, Fadhli Shas want to clear the ball, deflected to Muslim Ahmad, and Ngog, unmarked happily stick his leg to score.

3rd goal: Just after a few second from the second goal, the clearing error again gives space to Ngog again unmarked to score his second goal.

4th goal: Again, from the same spot, Maxi Rodriguez, unmarked happily score an easy goal

5th goal: After a little shock from Safee Sali strike, I thought they will organize better since the scoreline narrowed by 3-4, but no. Dirk Kuyt freely from the same spot do his run and cross, then Rodriguez score it.

6th goal: Again and again, the same spot, what I meant was the right wing for Liverpool and left back for Malaysia. Dirk Kuyt run and score the goal.

Okay, enough with the Liverpool easy goals, lets talk about the awesomeness Malaysian goals.

1st goal: My pray granted!!! after trailing a goal by that penalty, I see Malaysian side are not affected which is a good sign. Then, When our captain try to score from outside the penalty box, the scorer, Charlie Adam saves it like he is the goal keeper. Then, after considering the distance from the goal post, I'm pretty sure our captain can score it since I know he is Malaysia's free kick expert. Remember the previous entry? Did you see how well he did that? And that is not just luck. So I pray, "O Allah, please let the ball straight went in". Indeed it is!!! the ball curling so lovely to be reached by Liverpool's keeper I don't know his name because he is not the main keeper.

2nd goal: I thought the players moral should be down after trailing 4 to 1, but Safee Sali replacing Izzaq Faris to be the striker. And he really shows us why he is the best striker in Malaysia or even maybe in South East Asia. He scored two goals in just a few minutes. His second goals look like offside but, DO I CARE!!! I'm bias and I don't care whether it offside or not. The first penalty is also debatable. So we're even.

As a conclusion, I'm really happy with attacking force, the build up, the return of Safee Sali, he's not scoring since last December at final AFF. But the result is not just shows us that we really worried about the defensive line, but also it shows us we are by far relying only on Safee Sali. We don't have a sharp striker in front of the goal. We have striker with good move but lacking on the finishing touch. Please, Malaysian strikers, please improve yourselves so we can be a big name in the world someday. And to the defenders, please learn and try to keep up the learning process fast. I notice the younger squad from our region starting to be good. Learn more and fast. I end this entry by wishing our Olympic squad will bring more fight against the Chelsea side this 21st July so that Japan, Bahrain and Syria will shake their knee.

Videos credit to Sokernet and aljamaheir4
(Read More = Baca lagi) Baca lagi>>

Friday, July 15, 2011

Arsenal vs Malaysia updated review, Liverpool vs Malaysia

Assalamualaikum and hello to all Infinitesane visitors. I'm glad that this blog has gain more visitor, Alhamdulillah.

But, today is just a short entry that a continuation from previous entry, yesterday I watch the match again so I can watch it thoroughly since here in Malaysia there is no live broadcast, that's why I watch it streaming before. So I watch the delayed broadcast, and notice even when they (Malaysia) are trailing by 1-0, they still play quite well. But then, since the second goal, they started to feel down. And in second half, they totally losing their possession which in the first half, they are equally balance. And the third goal kills it. That's it.

To end this review, I'm gonna point out again some of the thing that Malaysia team should develop in the future to be the best in the world.
  • Just as Arsene Wenger said, the finishing are lacking. I admit that. Aside Safee Sali, the other strikers are not sharp enough.
  • Just as coach Rajagopal said, they take too much time to make decision, and mentioning that to be a world class player, they need to think fast or else, the opponent will take advantage.
  • Lastly, my own point. I saw yesterday that one of the reason we lose the ball easily is because we are physically weak against them. I'm not saying about their height, even Messi is not tall. I'm talking about the body "sturdiness". With a little push, the players are easily defeated.
At last, we cannot only rely on Safee Sali alone. He's getting older. The younger player must improve themselves that they can do better in the future.

Tomorrow, Malaysia will have a game against Liverpool. I hope they can do much better than the Arsenal's match.

I'm leaving this entry by sharing my new cover version, a Japanese song from V6, Ashita no Kasa, meaning Tomorrow's Umbrella. It comes with translation.

Baca lagi>>

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Malaysia vs Arsenal friendly

أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم

As usual, after having my chamomile tea and before I sleep, today I'm going to write about a match that just ended a few hours ago. Which is a football (soccer) match between Malaysia vs Arsenal. The match ended with the result Malaysia 0-4 Arsenal. So what am I going to say? (Read more = Baca lagi)

So, the result is not pleasing BUT, I BELIEVE MALAYSIAN TEAM NOT PLAYING WITH THEIR BEST PERFORMANCE. I know they can do much better because I've seen this team played before. Still I want to point out what makes their conceded four goals. First of all, I watch this match on live streaming sites that make the video skip a lot. So, I assume I don't watch this match thoroughly.

1st goal: Ramsey score a penalty kick which is fouled by Aidil Zafuan, goal scorer from Taipei match lately with his stunning free kick [click here]. I didn't manage to watch the foul, but I think it is the right call from the referee. Conclusion, individual mistake.

Before Arsenal get their second goal, our captain, Safiq Rahim shock the goalkeeper by his long distance free kick. He manage to tip the ball out from his goal post. If he couldn't tip the ball, I assure you we get the equalizer. He is also a goal scorer from the previous match against Taipei also by free kick [click here].

2nd goal: Theo walcott is the scorer. Asrarudin Putra failed to chain walcott's movement and allow him to lob the keeper since the keeper out from his position to soon. Conclusion, also an individual mistake.

Second half coach Rajagopal change the goal keeper with the first keeper (it is the third keeper before).

3rd goal: Carlos Vela scored by chipping the ball on one-on-one situation after manage to slit through defense line. Conclusion, I assume this is defensive line fault. They become unorganized.

4th goal: Tomas Rosicky scored by easy goal. This is clearly a mistake from sleepy defender. Nobody marking. Everybody paying attention to Andrei Arshavin that holding the ball.

How about Malaysia?

  • Only relying on Kunalan to make the run and no enough support to do the follow up.
  • To much high pass which make it much easier for Arsenal player to intercept the pass since they're taller than Asian like us.
  • Midfield not funtioning well. There is not much movement or build-up making in the middle formation. Simply put, they cannot generate much attacking move. As I said, they tend to pass the ball to Kunalan and let him run on the flank. Only the last attack satisfy me but the finishing is not there. Plus, it happen just a few second before the referee blow the final whistle.
  • Too much passing error. I've watch many Malaysian games and they don't do this kind of mistake when they playing at their best. Trust me. It piss me off you know?

Despite their bad performance, this is the hidden part unknown for some people. Here is some points:

  • Rajagopal actually trying to experimenting the formation that is suitable against Singaporean side which they will face for World cup qualifier.
  • He also try to match the player's "chemistry " since this team has expand a lot, and many new player need to cope the team's game and tactical.
  • Rajagopal substitute almost all the players on the bench. So, it definitely affecting the game flow. This is just a friendly match you know, this is the time he can try to check on player's ability for future usage.
  • Malaysian players don't want to get injured since this is just a "show" match. Not really affecting the ranking. The important match is surely against Singapore.
So, I think that's all for now as I'm starting to get sleepy. It takes me almost an hour to write this entry. I really appreciate for you that reading until the end.

p/s: The last Harry Potter movies release worldwide tomorrow. I think I don't want to miss it. It's a good story even though apparently I'm watching it just to see Emma Watson. I'm a straight guy you know? I'm not a gay. Remember that entry? She's pretty, she's cute and she's speaking British. Baca lagi>>

Monday, July 11, 2011

Bersih; Bersih ke?

أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم

Pada hari ini, dengan rasminya, saya mengunci penggunaan kata ganti nama diri pertama "hamba" dan menggunakan "saya" kembali kerana rasa lebih dekat, dan boleh cakap "kasar" sikit. Hahaha...

Seperti biasa, sebelum saya beradu, saya minum teh chamomile dengan menggunakan "mug" yang saya peroleh dari pertandingan akhir "Bintang Sudirman", ingat lagi? tak ingat tak apa, tak tahu pun tak apa, mug tu sangat berharga bagi saya kerana ia adalah pertandingan luar sekolah pertama saya. So, kalau pecah, patahlah hati ini. Dan seperti biasa juga, sebelum tidur, saya akan cuba "update" blog ini supaya tidak lagi "berhibernasi". Ayuh ke topik kita...

*Update Video "Bersih 2.0 - The Lies Vs The Truth"*

Sambil menaip, saya sedang mendengar berbagai-bagai jenis lagu, berbagai-bagai jenis genre, mula-mula saya dengar lagu V6, dan lagu Jepun lain, kemudian lagu nasyid, anda tonton drama "Kasih Laila"? saya sedang mendengar lagu penutup drama tersebut, ada "Black Eyed Peace", lagu-lagu dari "WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment)". Personally, saya suka lagu Rey Mysterio dan Ezekiel Jackson. Kemudian, ada seleksi lagu-lagu melayu seperti awan nano, dan diakhiri dengan lagu OMG dari Usher.

Apa perlunya saya menaip satu perenggan yang tiada kena mengena langsung dengan topik kita ini? Apa yang ingin saya tunjukkan ialah kita lihat, berbagai genre yang ada di dunia ini, and "that's make the world so beautiful". Perbezaan pendapat adalah lumrah dalam dunia ini. Tapi kita perlu berfikir panjang sebelum kita ingin bertindak. Kita alih ke perenggan seterusnya...

Bersih 2.0 mempunyai 8 tuntutan, anda boleh klik di sini, kalau tidak panjang sangat entri ini. Kerana komen saya bukanlah tentang tuntutan-tuntutan mereka itu, saya tak menentang langsung dengan tuntutan-tuntutan tersebut. Cuma saya tertanya-tanya tentang dakwat kekal tersebut boleh dibawa untuk bersolat ke? Maaf kalau soalan tu agak bodoh sebab saya memang tak tahu (dah dapat jawapan di e-fatwa [klik sini]). Satu lagi yang mengelirukan saya adalah kenapa memorandum tersebut tidak dihantar semasa pertemuan dengan agong sebelum ini? Saya masih belum jumpa lagi jawapan dari pihak pro-bersih ini. Ingin saya tegaskan disini bahawa
Yang saya ingin tegur tentang perhimpunan ini adalah penyertaan peserta-peserta yang hadir.

Anda (Bersih 2.0) menegaskan bahawa perhimpunan ini aman. Hanya polis dan sebagainya yang menimbulkan provokasi kalau ada. Saya bukan nak menafikan perkara tersebut. Cuma pernahkah anda terfikir bahawa kebarangkalian yang perhimpunan tersebut akan menjadi "kotor" sangat tinggi? Dengan semburan air, gas pemedih mata dan sebagainya. Apa yang saya maksudkan ialah golongan yang lemah seperti anak-anak kecil, wanita dan orang tua sangat "vulnerable" dalam perhimpunan ini. Saya tak kisah kalau perhimpunan ini dijamin 100% tidak akan ada perkara buruk berlaku, tapi lihatlah apa yang berlaku pada bersih yang pertama dahulu. Sepatutnya pihak bersih harus memastikan tiada golongan ini yang terlibat. Kasihankanlah pakcik-pakcik yang ke hulur-hilir lemah tak bermaya itu di bawa naik trak polis. Nak lari pun tak larat. Itu sahajalah "flaw" dalam perhimpunan kali ini.

Sebenarnya saya tak nak komen apa-apa tentang politik di negara ini, saya pun tak tahu mana satu yang betul mana satu yang salah. Yang saya tahu, kita bernaung bawah payung yang sama. Saya masih tertunggu-tunggu bilakah raja-raja yang adil akan mengemudi semula negara ini dari politikus yang hanya mementingkan wang, harta dan pangkat semata-mata. Raja yang kita ada hanyalah raja berpelembagaan. "Take that wheel again", bawa semula zaman kegemilangan melayu melaka, dan zaman-zaman sebelumnya. Mungkin hanya mimpi sahaja kot buat masa ini.

sampai sini sahajalah coretan dari saya, jumpa lagi di entri seterusnya.

hasta luego, mi amigo,
mata ne,

p/s: Jagalah kebersihan negara kita macam Jepun.
Baca lagi>>

Saturday, July 9, 2011 it DEAD?

أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم
Hello everybody, ¿Qué pasa? It's really long time no see right? The last "real" entry was on 2nd June 2011, which is my personal poem. Then, my last longer entry was on 2nd April 2011, and two entry in March and an entry in January. Wow, it really seems like Infinitesane had lose it's spark. While I'm drinking my chamomile tea before I get to sleep, I've a thought that: is it really Infinitesane "died"?

While I'm writing this entry, my tea is getting cold already. Actually I really hope it won't die, because the truth is I like to write. The problem is just my eagerness has gone already. But, for your information, now I'm working on to make the Infinitesane:revamp. Yeah, I said it already. But don't expect it will come soon because there is many things to do. Just for instance, I manage to do the Infinitesane "logo" even it is not really registered official logo. But, the progress will come slowly but surely. One more thing that is new, the tag/label is now renamed with more organized. And soon you will be revealed by something new in Infinitesane, it just need to take some time to make the preparation, practice and rehearsals. Well I've give quite many hint there. So, I'm hereby asking for an apology for the boring era of Infinitesane and hope that all my followers still follow this blog (I know that's not much compared to my other colleagues' blogs) and promoting this blog to the others. So, to be cleared, what is Infinitesane is all about?

INFINITESANE is a blog about what I (writer/admin) think about what happen around us. This is just my point of view that I hope we can share thought about that matter.

So, my second last thing to say, again. Please come back here, make a visit and comment. Infinitesane is still alive.

My last thing that I want to share with you is quite disappointing. My other blog, "Iqbal Nasir Di Khutbah Jumaat" will be shut down due to the lack of response on that blog. Maybe I will shut it before we meet Ramadhan. But, do not worry much, This blog still alive and it have a tag/label "religion" that touched on issues related to religion.

So see you again pals,
Hasta Luego, mi amigo,
Mata ne.
Baca lagi>>
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