Assalamuaikum and welcome to Infinitesane "Sunday Sunnyday". Today I would like to talk about the WWE direction recently. This is just my opinion, maybe it's right, maybe it's wrong. But since I think this entry is going to be short, lets watch this week and last week Santino Marella "Foreign Exchange"
Most of us know that the most successfull period in the WWE/F is the "Attitude Era" period. They've success worldwide. Even in Malaysia. They are so famous, everybody know the superstars at that time eventhough they were not a WWF viewer. The name of "Stone Cold", "The Rock", "Undertaker", "Kane", "Triple H" was known by almost anybody. I was then a 9~11 years old at that time
(Baca lagi = Read more)
However after that, WWF (World Wrestling Federation) change their name to WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment) so that people will not get confused with WWF (World Wildlife Fund). How irony is that the name changed occur the same year as I'm entering the boarding school thus leaving the wrestling thing behind. It was 2002.
Things still going well but again, WWE need to change their direction once parents started complaining about the show since it is too violence and not suitable for their kids to watch. So, in 2008, WWE started to change their direction towards more "PG-Friendly" because based from my source (wikipedia) the 40% viewer are from women and young children. PG-friendly means less violence, family-friendly and that thing causes WWE to become more boring to watch.
However, recently WWE started to change the direction a little more violence than before. Not as violence as the "Attitude Era" but it is less boring than before. From the awesome undertaker match to the bottle smashing by Jericho to CM Punks head, I see it started to get a little bit violence again. Plus, there is more "Attitude Era" star started to make a come back like The Rock (maybe not frequent appearence) and Brock Lesnar. Maybe by doing that it will attract more viewer?
Well I hope I'm right. It is boring to see people brawling but not violence at all. After all I'm growing in "Attitude Era".

That's all for now, we'll meet again soon, InsyaAllah.
See you later,
Hasta luego,