Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Gmail Tap: Joke or Not, We're Heading that way

Assalamualaikum, good day and welcome to Infinitesane "Techy Tuesday". It's 3rd April and everybody know what April Fool is. It happen every 1st April each year. It's a day people make fool to others. However, as a Muslim, we were NOT RECOMMENDED to "celebrate" April Fool. Plus, It's Wrestlemania Day right?

So, Google introduced Gmail Tap. It is an application to smartphone so people can write easier on their smartphone. Actually they re-applied the moorse code by using dash (-) and dot (.) to write.

(Baca lagi = Read more)

The idea comes when they realize that smartphone is too small to squeeze 26 alphabate in that phone. So, to make it easier, they introduce Gmail Tap. By using the moorse code, people can write faster and easier.

By reading this entry source comments, it have been told that it just an April Fool joke by Google.

For me, joke or not the idea is not a joke. Indeed, each year, smartphone users are increasing. Just like the cellphone users. Remember when cellphone was a new thing? I was younger (still young) back there. I never thought that everybody will have a cellphone in near future. And I'm truly wrong. Now almosy everybody have a cellphone except for Kuitan (watch Kuitan, it's a very good and funny show). Now smartphone users are increasing and I'm not surprise at all.

Eventhough it is a joke (Gmail Tap), someday people will definitely work out on that idea. Maybe it's not a moorse code but it will come later, I believe. It's technology man, it is what they does. It make people life easier.

I think that's all for now, I have in my head about what to write next week. So, please excuse me for this short entry today.

See you later,
Hasta luego,


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