Assalamualaikum and welcome to today "Sporty Saturday". Nothing much today to write as I'm writing right now, there are some Super League matches going on. And don't forget to watch tomorrow Junior Asia Cup Hockey 2012 between Malaysia vs Pakistan at 8pm live on Astro Arena channel 801. Not sure whether there is other station to broadcast that match.
This is gonna be a short entry again. Why? Because I just want to promote my new blog, suddenly launched this Tuesday. The blog is called "Between The Post". Don't ask me why I pick that name. The name just pop into my mind at one early morning. Just like the name, "Between The Post" is all about sports which featured "Goal Post", like soccer/football, field hockey, or maybe some futsal. But mainly about soccer/football and mostly about Malaysian football. Notice I mention field hockey and not hockey because I really don't know anything about ice hockey which is a BIG SPORT in USA. I think. Nonetheless, just click the image below to go to the blog. I'll see you there!