Assalamualaikum and welcome to today "Wednesday Wonder".
Actually I've thought about writing this entry a long time ago. But maybe I've forgot. Today I watch the ending song from "HunterXHunter" anime on Animax. I think the song is quite interesting so I searched that song in youtube. And I found it. But I usually go through comments while waiting the video to load. And I found something triggering my mind

You can read the comments at the video page here. About the comments above, I cannot agree more and for more detail information,
(Baca lagi = Read more)
I love to watch anime (not all, depends on the genre). HOWEVER, I'm really pissed off when anyone tease me for watching a CARTOON. Don't get me wrong, nothing wrong by watching cartoon. Plus, by watching cartoon you might enhance your creativity. What's make me mad is the perception about anime is a kid thing. You must know the difference, BIG DIFFERENCE between anime and cartoon.
The first difference is the theme of the story. Anime usually have a heavier story, plot or whatever you want to call it. But there is also some light story like "Keroro Gunso". Still, the story is about earth invasion. Maybe it is still for older kid. But I don't think "Samurai X" is a kid story. "HunterXHunter"is also not a kid show.
Second is about the detail. Like the comment, the anime drawing and detail is very different. For example, the anime drawing sometime give details about human anatomy like female breast. Is that what you call a kid show? I can see some of it in "Naruto", "Fairy Tail" and "One Piece" (even though it is aired in a children channel).

If you read the second comment from Darkness0191, he/she is half right. There is "Adult Cartoon" out there. I can give you some example, "The Simpsons", "Family Guy" and "Futurama". And there is still a lot of adult cartoon out there. Why this is not anime? Well because my definition of anime is:
1. From Japan.
2. The drawing is more realistic.
And all the shows above didn't fill all the criteria. The Adult cartoon is different than children cartoon because the theme is about the adult life. You know, "adult things" right? I mean family, work, tax and many other "adult things".

There you have it. I hope now you'll understand the difference between cartoon, anime and adult cartoon. Comment if you think different.
See you later,
Hasta luego,
p/s: Fairy Tail image teken from here