Assalamualaikum and welcome to today "Techy Tuesday". This time I would like to talk about social network evolution.
In todays world, almost nobody who have internet connection doesn't know about facebook, twitter, BLOGGER and many more. The beginning of this called "social network" dated back to year early 00'. I know it was not precise but at least that is when the social network fenomena started to bring impact to humankind.
(Baca lagi = Read more)
I was in the secondary school at that time. I was in a boarding school where I'm away from my family and my friends. I still remember why did I start to sign up my first social network, it was "FRIENDSTER". Actually I just follow my classmates who sign up to friendster and add them back even though we can meet anytime except school holiday. The computer lab which was suppose to used as working station for students become the "cyber cafe" computer lab was always full with students to check their profile and their crush profile. Well, that days is over and right now, friendster is still alive. But not as a social network, but as gamers network. Correct me if I'm wrong, I've heard somewhere that friendster was bought by a Malaysian. So, support Malaysian product! For those who want to check their profile, forget it. Your pretty bling-bling profile is not there anymore. They've thrown away your profile and replace them with the default profile. You still have your account, but you can only play games. I played it sometimes.
Moving on, MySpace was a big thing in US before facebook, I think. I once have a MySpace account but I later terminate it because I don't think it gives me anything. And then, there was Tagged. It only manage to survive in my life a few month and later I'm not sure whether I terminate or just left my account out there. I sign up in Tagged because of influence from my housemates.
The longest and still alive in my social network account list, is definitely FACEBOOK. At one point, I was being in a safe mode just to have one social network account which is friendster. But I got the urge from my classmate, Buyut (not a real name) to open a facebook account. With facebook, there is no such thing as privacy if you just "go with the flow". To protect your privacy, you need to alter your account setting and so your account become safe from any abusive information. You know, data mining stuff like that. You are opened to the world to see you, what you doing etc. Yet, it still the most popular social site in the world, I think.
Lastly, I just sign up a twitter account recently, because I would like to widen Infinitesane visitors but apparently I don't think it's going to work. Second reason why I sign up a twitter account is to read, and join the conversation when a WWE show broadcasted. I think right now in US twitter is the most active social site compared to facebook. Again, it's just my rough observation.
And today, I stumble to an article [here] about smartphones vs computers for facebookers time on site. Aside that I cannot afford a smartphone, it will come to an era when almost anybody use smartphone. It's smart, handy and mobile. Plus, I think that is good actually. Because if you using computer to online to your social sites, you are not moving much thus jeopardize your health. By using smartphones, you are moving and you can stay health. You can hangout on social sites while you're jogging or on excersice.

That's all for now. Don't forget to follow my twitter @Infinitesane for any update. You like/dislike this entry? don't forget to comment alright?
See you later,
Hasta luego,