Friday, May 25, 2012
This is the End of Infinitesane...
Today is the Birthday of my role model, Allahyarham Sudirman Hj Arshad. He's not my idol though because the most ideal idol is definitely our beloved prophet, Muhammad pbuh. So, what is the difference between role model and idol? Well, idol is a person that we want to be in every aspect. It means that you want to do whatever he do, you want to be a mirror image of him. On the other hand, role model is a person that you want to be but not in every aspect. You want to achieve what they achieved, you're motivated by their succsess. In the end, you want to end up like them or even better than them. So, got the difference? At least that is my definiton. So, why am I telling you this? Well, this is Infinitesane LAST ENTRY, however INFINITESANE DEFINITELY STILL ALIVE, IT JUST EVOLVING!
Infinitesane is now Infinitesane Daily. It's more neat, no more messy-ness what so ever. So, why don't you head over there, by clicking this image:
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Thursday, May 24, 2012
This is The End...of A Beginning
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Why I'm not happy? Well there are a lot of reasons why I'm not happy with myself. When I was in my primary school, I always wanted to be in a boarding school. I got it, mission accomplished. Sadly, my pace was only going well until that level. After I finished my secondary school(that boarding school), I was just a mediocre student. Not like when I was in primary school. When I was in primary school, I always get the top spot in the school. Maybe not the first spot, but still at my own class. However, things change. When I was in the boarding school, I always wanting to further my study abroad. However, that was not happening at all. As a mediocre student, I just manage to get a spot in the matriculation college.
In the matriculation college, I'm in a culture shock. Everything need to be done as soon as possible. Nobody gonna help you. You're on your own. When I was in the boarding school, teachers always provide us with the "supplement" that we need to thrive in the exam. But that's not happen there. I'm starting to skip classes, and end up with a quite disappointing result. Honestly, I don't remember. With that result, I was randomly placed in a course that I don't even know what it is. Degree of "Information Technology and Multimedia". That's not what I got in the University period. Things are getting worst. I don't have anyone that I know in this course, I have people from my school and matriculation college studying there but there was none in my course. So, I'm alone and no closest friend there. I have my housemate that I considered the closest friend that I have when I was in University. In the end, I gave up to the stress and ran away.
My dream is always to be an entertainer just my favorite role model, Allahyarham Sudirman Haji Arshad. I've tried many audition but my nervousness get into me. I never perform well in the audition. Until now, the dream is still a dream. I always hoping I can living my dream and my age is now became older. People that I know, most of 'em already have their target locked. They just need to follow the track and they should do fine. Me? I'm still lost, I've my target but my target is not in my sight. I lost my target, and now waiting the target to go through in front of me. And when that time comes, I'll not hesitate to lock on my target.
People always said, It doesn’t matter how you START but what's matter is how you FINISH! I can say I started quite well, but now is my dark period. I'm on a slump and I've fell in a deep valley. I need to climb again and claim my spot again. I'm not sure when the time comes, but I'm damn sure I'm not gonna let it happen again. If I have a time machine, I'll go back to my boarding school period and slap me hard when I started to give up with the competition. You know, students in a boarding school, they're amazing students. They smart, they've charisma and many other things that I'm not competing in my primary school.
So, Are you ready for

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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Who Doesn't love Ice Cream?

Assalamualaikum and welcome to today "Techy Tuesday". This entry will be a short entry. I'm running out of time right now, but I'll still try to update this blog everyday.
I love ice cream. But I don't eat it frequently. I love any kind of ice cream. One of my favorite is Ice Cream Sandwich. So, what is the relation between Ice Cream and "Techy Tuesday"? Well some of you may know it already but I'll tell you anyway. The Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich (ICS) is now available in Malaysia
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For more information, just head over here. If you want to know what models is now ICS upgradable, just check that there. ICS is the Android Smartphones Operating System if you want to know what is this all about. If you want to know all about ICS, click here.
That's all for now. As I was saying, this is just another short entry. I'm sorry. See you guys later,
Hasta Luego,
Mata ne,
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Monday, May 21, 2012
MANTERA: Malaysian Transformers...Or Not

Assalamualaikum and welcome to today "Mega Monday". I would like to talk about a local movie called "MANTERA". In local usage, mantera means (cast a)spell. But as for this movie, MANTERA is an acronym for "MAN Transformable Exo-Robotic Armor".
So, last weekend I spent the day with my ex-housemate, Zoru Sama and Firdaus Hamid to watch a promising movie, MANTERA. At least the trailer quite promising. I've watched the trailer and couldn't help but noticing the CGI quality is quite crappy but you can't expect more with the limitation from budget and technology. The movie estimation budget maybe around couple million Ringgit Malaysia. It maybe didn't even reach a million dolar. And such technology maybe not available or affordable in Malaysia. So, I really need to put aside the aspect of CGI quality in my judgement. Spoiler alert! Don't read if you want to watch it.
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Nonetheless, let's not waste time. First, why is it an unfortunate movie? Well, honestly, the "essence" of the storyline is superb. I really like it. I even have imagined how the story will furthur develop. The first unfortunate things happen to this movie is the CGI of course. It really look animation-ish. If they decided to make this movie an animation movie, it will be better quality. However, I know that they (production team) also know that an animation movie that have a serious storyline won't work in Malaysian market. If they launch that kind of movie in Japan, MAYBE it'll work. So, for the sake of Malaysian viewers, they still need to make a live-action movie even though the robot look very animation-ish. Just like a college project.
Next unfortunate things that messed up the movie is the pointless dramatic scenes. Why? Because there is a lot of uncertainty that actually need to be reviewed and even without so much lovey-dovey scenes the movie is still all right. Why? there are 2 MAJOR mistakes in the movie. I'm not a guy who seek bloopers in a movie. But these are not the usual bloopers, it's SO OBVIOUS!.
1. Dr. Natasya Pushkin doesn't speak English at first, but later on, she speaks English! Maybe she just pretend that she cannot speak English because she's not sure whether she's in the good side (alliance of light) or the bad side (dark legion). But, they didn't show us that she tell the colleague that she just bluffing. Okay, maybe it's a common sense.
2. In the end, people suddenly supporting Azman, first of all, did they know what really happen? Did dark legion did something obviously bad and people already familiar which one is bad guy which one is the good guy? You know, things like that? How can he get much support from people when world doesn't even know what is MANTERA? If they cut the lovey-dovey part and fill it in with the proper scenes, this might be better.

Lastly, if they can get more convincing cast, maybe this movie will be better. I can say all the cast member performance are not convincing. Sorry guys. I still watched that movie and I forked out my money. You can't say I'm not supporting local movies. In fact, the reason I write this entry in English instead of Malay in a bad grammar condition is just to promote this movie to the foreigners who may suddenly stumble into this entry. Maybe an investor found out this promising movie via this blog and willing to make a remake? Overall, this movie have a full potential to go far. It's just they need people who have more experience and MONEY to make this movie awesome as it should be.
That's all for now. Again, sorry for my bad grammar. My intention is good. See you all tomorrow on "Techy Tuesday", InsyaAllah.
hasta luego,
Mata ne,
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Sunday, May 20, 2012
This Week on WWE

Assalamualaikum and welcome to today's "Sunday Sunnyday".
This week on WWE. I need to pick which story to bring up today because I don't want to make this entry longer. Nonetheless, I'll pick a few. Let's start.
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This week on RAW kick off with the confrontation with Paul Heyman and Triple H. It end with Triple H facing 2 lawsuit against him. I'm not sure when but Triple H vs Brock Lesnar match is mostly happen.
I would like to start two new segment in this "Sunday Sunnyday". This one is the first one. Actually I found it on twitter when someone mention about the sign. WWE Universe always bring creative and catchy phrase on their sign. So, people who watch couldn't help but notice it. So, here is "Sign of the Week". Actually I've had a hard time to pick either the first picture up there or this one but I pick this one because it is much clearer. So, this is the sign.

I'm not sure whether he's being a captain obvious or he trying to tell people out there that we, wrestling fans know that it's fake and we watch it for the entertainment pleasure. Just like you all watch TV drama.
Champ vs Champ. United States Champ, Santino Marella vs Intercontinental Champ Cody Rhodes. Who is the superior champ. Honestly for me I think Intercontinental Champion is more prestigeous than US Champ because the title was established loooooong time ago, and the US title, not so old. Nonetheless, the match is quite okay. Not sure whether these two men will fight tomorrow.
CM Punk and Daniel Bryan match build-up is not satisfying me. At RAW, Punk team up with Santino Marella and Bryan team up with Cody Rhodes. It ends up with the faces won. While in the SmackDown, it's quite good when Bryan using his "evil" genius trick by using Kane to make a damage to CM Punk.
Another hot story this week is Big Show get fired just because of him make fun of Mr. Laurinaitis's voice. Some people make a prediction that Big Show going to show up in Over the Limit and interfere Cena and Laurinaitis match. He's already fired so he is not having a risk to get terminated.

Next is about Over the Limit (OTL) tomorrow. Am I the only one who think that WWE didn't introduce the OTL theme song? I just found out earlier this week that the OTL theme song is from Thousand Foot Krutch - War of Change. I found that out by browsing the wikipedia.
Another little segment, a CM Punk and AJ segment backstage. I'm not sure what this storyline will headed to but, maybe the CM Punk and Danial Bryan storyline will develop later after OTL.
From that segment, arise another segment of "Sunday Sunnyday". It is "Tweet of the Week". We know that now there are a lot of WWE fans on twitter. And usually, when a WWE show is running, these people will tweet. And I decide that this is the "Tweet of the Week".
I think Alex Riley bet against CM Punk that Chris Jericho would buy him being drunk, for that reason he now owes CM Punk! xD #WWE #Raw
— RockCena (@WWERockCena) May 15, 2012
Earlier before AJ meet CM Punk, Alex Riley was with Punk. As he left, CM Punk mention that he owe him 50 buck. It is related with a couple weeks ago if you follow RAW.
This week on the Fatal 4 Way build-up, I can't see Alberto Del Rio involvement, don't know what happen but we'll see tomorrow. Other than that, it is okay. I just notice that the attention was on Sheamus and Randy Orton.
Lastly, the Cena vs Laurinaitis match. It maybe will be more dramatic match than a great match. But, I'll buy it anyway. And the stipulation is if Laurinaitis lose, he'll terminated. And if any superstars interfere, he'll terminated. But as I said, Big Show now are not an employee anymore.
That's all for now. See you later, maybe in a few hours in twitter.
Hasta luego,
Mata ne,
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E2: Zulfahmi yet another close podium victory

Assalamualaikum and welcome for this edition of Express Entry. As for today's "Sunday Sunnyday", it'll be a little later because I just arrive home just now. And I need to solah and take a shower.
As you can see from the title, Zulfahmi, Malaysian Moto3 rider who start at today Le mans race at the 10th place manage to get the fourth place in the current race as the picture was taken. First of all, I didn't watch the race, I was away and I just get the information via his facebook and He's actually led the early laps. Unfortunately, he crashed out while in third late in the race. Only 15 riders finished the race while other crashes. The race winner is the home town boy, Louis Rossi.
For a full result, just head over here
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FA Cup; Moto 3; Thomas Cup

Assalamualaikum and welcome to today's "Sporty Saturday". It's Sunday already here in Malaysia.
I'm late today is because I just watched Malaysia FA Cup final a few moments ago. Kelantan won in a boring final. For full story, just visit my other blog here. I've cover the story there.
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As for today's "Sporty Saturday", I just want to share about the result of the Moto3 Qualification today. As you know, one rider in the Moto3 is from Malaysia, Zulfahmi Khairuddin. And for today qualification, Zulfahmi manage to secure the 10th place on the starting grid. This are the rest result, courtesy from
1. Maverick Viñales SPA (FTR Honda) 1m 55.865s
2. Efren Vazquez SPA (FTR Honda) 1m 56.847s
3. Miguel Oliveira POR (Suter Honda) 1m 57.114s
4. Jakub Kornfeil CZE (FTR Honda) 1m 57.392s
5. Alexis Masbou FRA (Honda) 1m 57.673s
6. Sandro Cortese GER (KTM) 1m 57.801s
7. Alberto Moncayo SPA (Kalex KTM) 1m 57.846s
8. Hector Faubel SPA (Kalex KTM) 1m 57.899s
9. Luis Salom SPA (Kalex KTM) 1m 58.000s
10. Zulfahmi Khairuddin MAL (KTM) 1m 58.133s
11. Jonas Folger GER (Ioda) 1m 58.304s
12. Adrian Martin SPA (FTR Honda) 1m 58.315s
13. Niklas Ajo FIN (KTM) 1m 58.563s
14. Arthur Sissis AUS (KTM) 1m 58.570s
15. Louis Rossi FRA (FTR Honda) 1m 58.576s
And as for the Thomas Cup tournament in Wuhan China, the host nation giving Malaysia a cold "hospitality" as Malaysia training session for the match court was only last for an hour. I just don't get it. Malaysia is not a favorite in this tournament as this team is not a strong team. In fact, most Malaysian knows that. We didn't give high hope on this team. So, why give them such a cold treatment when they're not such a threat to them? I don't know what else to say.
That's all for now, I'll update tomorrow about Zulfahmi result. However, it'll not as soon as possible. I'm going to watch movie tomorrow.
See you later,
Hasta luego,
Mata ne,
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Friday, May 18, 2012
Cabaran Guru Zaman Ini

Assalamuaikum dan salam sejahtera kepada semua pengunjung Infinitesane. Selamat datang ke "Berkat Jumaat" minggu ini.
Sejujurnya saya tiada idea untuk menulis kali ini dan saya seperti yang saya beritahu dua entri sebelum ini, saya sedang mengerjakan "sesuatu". Mujurlah ada khutbah Jumaat setiap minggu dan memastikan setiap minggu ada topik yang boleh dikongsi bersama. Saya agak sedikit kecewa apabila khutbah yang dibicarakan kali ini adalah tentang hari guru. Tiada masalah pun tentang khutbah itu, cuma saya sudah pun menulis entri tentang hari guru di "Wednesday Wonder".
/*Entri ini akan lari dari topik, tetapi pada bahagian AKHIR sekali, barulah kembali kepada topik. Harap maklum.*/
Sekali air bah, sekali pantai berubah. Inikan pula manusia. Walaupun maksud pepatah ini tidak terlalu tepat dengan apa yang saya ingin kongsikan, tapi maksudnya HAMPIR sama. Contoh termudah, kalau dahulu, rotan adalah perkara yang normal bagi seorang guru, tidak lagi buat masa sekarang. Kini, ada sahaja pelajar dipukul atau dirotan, pastinya guru tersebut akan berdepan masalah.
Kalau dahulu, budaya "ragging" adalah perkara biasa bagi pelajar di sekolah berasrama, tapi kini tidak lagi. Disini ada dua perspektif, orang yang me"rangging" dan orang yang di"ragging". Kedua-dua perspektif ini telah berubah. Kalau dahulu, orang yang me"ragging" berbuat demikian untuk mengajar orang yang di"ragging" supaya menghormati pelajar senior. Sedikit tolakan, pekikan adalah perkara biasa. Tapi kini, orang yang me"ragging" tidak lagi berbuat demikian atas sebab-sebab di atas. Dan istilah "ragging" tidak lagi boleh dipakai. Mereka membelasah tanpa belas kasihan terhadap orang yang dibuli. Biasanya juniorlah. Yang di"ragging juga telah berubah. Kalau dahulu, bila tahu sahaja dia di"ragging", mereka akan akur dan hormat kepada pelajar senior. Kini tidak lagi. Mereka akan melawan bila di"ragging". Mungkin ini juga sebabnya kenapa dia akan dibelasah oleh pelajar senior. Dan, bila dia dibelasah, pastinya pihak yang bersalah akan ditujukan kepada pihak yang membelasah.
Saya berpengalaman dan berada di era transisi apabila perubahan ini berlaku. semasa tahun pertama saya di sekolah asrama, tiada masalah dalam "batch" saya tentang "ragging" ini. Malah ada sesetengah warden tak begitu ambil peduli dengan budaya "ragging" ini kerana ianya tidak berbahaya. Dan kami juga hormat dan tak melawan berdepan senior. Kami satu batch pernah ditahan selama berjam dibawah terik mentari di gelanggang tenis di hari ahad sebelum dilepaskan untuk outing. Saya secara peribadi, pernah dipegang di kaki dalam keadaan tergantung kepala bawah di ketinggian satu tingkat di masjid. Saya semasa berumur 13 tahun, tidak berfizikal orang yang berumur 13 tahun. Mungkin fizikal saya dalam umur 10 tahun. Jadi memang saya dah biasa dilakukan sebegitu, malah disebabkan saya peminat wrestling, saya lebih kepada "go with the flow". Saya pernah di"tombstone" semasa saya di sekolah rendah dan pernah dihimpap beramai-ramai oleh budak dorm secara suka-suka. Walaupun saya sering melihat iklan "Don't try this at home".
Kembali ke topik, apabila saya menjadi senior, tiada lagi rasa hormat kepada senior. SAYA TAK KATAKAN SEMUA, tapi adalah beberapa kes. Ada kes pelajar dibuang hanya kerana menampar pelajar junior. Batch saya memegang rekod (ketika saya masih bersekolah, sekarang tak tahulah) pelajar paling ramai dibuang sekolah dalam batch. Ada beberapa belas, saya tak ingat. Tapi bukan semuanya kes pukullah.
Jadi, apa kena mengena dengan guru pula? Cabaran guru masa kini ialah untuk juga merevolusi kaedah dan "approach" mereka kepada murid-murid zaman ini. Dahulu internet bukanlah perkara penting dalam hidup manusia, kini tanpa internet manusia akan merasa kosong dalam hidup mereka. Dan dalam internetlah berbagai-bagai informasi samada baik mahupun buruk boleh didapati. Carilah metode untuk menyampaikan ilmu dengan berkesan. Janganlah menjadi guru yang hanya memenuhi silibus dan buku teks. Jadikanlah ilmu yang disampaikan itu berkesan dalam hidup mereka. Saya sering dan biasa dengar, apa yang kita belajar di sekolah atau universiti, bukannya akan diaplikasi sepenuhnya dalam hidup. Jadi, ajarkanlah juga mereka untuk hidup.
Sampai disini sahaja, jumpa lagi esok, InsyaAllah.
Hasta luego,
Mata ne,
Baca lagi>>

Thursday, May 17, 2012
Solidarity Across the Internet.

Assalamualaikum and welcome to all Infinitesane visitor. Hmm, don't you think this blog seems crowded? Well, that is not what I want to tell you.
This past few days, if you're in Malaysia, you'll notice that most or I should say majority Malaysian facebook users change their profile picture to the picture like one of the above picture. Why did they do that? Well there is a campaign "Solidarity With Palestinian prisoners on Hunger Strike".
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But first, what is solidarity? You can check on wikipedia here, or simply put, an integration. So, what is this campaign is all about?
“Thousands of prisoners in Israeli prisons have been on a hunger strike since April 17. Others, like Bilal Diab or Thaer Halahleh, have been on hunger strike for almost 80 days, demanding improved conditions for prisoners in Israeli custody – such as ending solitary confinement and allowing for more family visits. This is the longest hunger strike in history,” ~Mkaddem, The Wounded Palestinian Relief Association~
So, regarding the hunger strike, most of the Muslim around the globe joining this solidarity. But I'm not so sure about that. What I'm sure, here in Malaysia, there are A LOT of supporters that care about their brothers in Palestine. Sure, many thinks that just by changing your profile picture not going to benefit the prisoners. But they are proved wrong. The Israeli officials said Monday that the prisoners signed an agreement outlining better conditions and an end to their strike (source). So, I'll maybe change my profile picture this weekend.
However, this is not the end. Palestine still need to be free. Just by ending this strike, that doesn't mean that the Palestinian is now at peace. I do hope and I pray each and every day that Palestine will win back their land. I know nothing much I can do, but I do hope my pray is heard.
With that, see you later,
Hasta luego,
p/s: Further information on the solidarity: here
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Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Selamat Hari Guru! Kisah Cikgu Zahari
Banyak guru yang kita kenali dalam hidup kita. Kita belajar pelbagai subjek dan pelajaran semasa di sekolah dan di luar sekolah. Namun begitu, pastinya ada beberapa guru yang sangat mempengaruhi hidup kita. Kali ini saya ingin berkongsi dengan anda tentang seorang guru yang sangat mempengaruhi saya. Entri kali ini agak pendek, malah dalam minggu ini entri-entri saya agak pendek kerana saya sedang mengerjakan "sesuatu" dan berharap dapat diselesaikan dalam minggu ini.
Sekali lagi, saya ingin meminta maaf kerana saya bercadang untuk mengupload gambar saya tapi sekali lagi kerana kekangan masa saya sertakan gambar saya semasa di zaman tersebut yang telah saya upload lama dahulu di facebook:

Kembali kepada kisah saya. Saya, seperti yang kenalan saya ketahui sangat gemar melakukan aktiviti-aktiviti seni terutamanya menyanyi. Saya mula melakukan persembahan solo semasa saya berumur 6 tahun. Namun begitu, persembahan solo saya yang pertama bukanlah nyanyian, tetapi bersajak. Apabila saya berpindah ke Kuala Kubu Bharu semasa saya berusia 8 tahun, semasa di kelas muzik, guru muzik di situ lantas menjemput saya untuk menyertai pasukan koir. Dan guru tersebut saya kenali "Cikgu Zahari". Saya tiada gambarnya, tetapi wajahnya akan sentiasa berada dalam memori saya. Kenapa? Sebab mukanya seiras dengan muka "The Undertaker". Cuma rambutnya pendek dan kerinting.

Pada mulanya memang saya takut untuk berjumpa dengan beliau. Yelah, muka macam Undertaker, siapa tak takut. Ternyata saya silap. Beliau sangat baik, membantu saya dalam pelbagai aspek. Kalau saya tidak menjumpai beliau, pasti saya tak dapat membawa pasukan nasyid Sekolah Dato' Abdul Razak sebagai naib johan festival nasyid peringkat daerah di bawah SMAP Labu. Memang, saya akui saya amatur. Saya tidak dididik secara formal untuk melatih kumpulan berharmoni. Tetapi, dengan pengalaman hasil tunjuk ajar beliau, saya bolehlah menyusun harmoni hanya menggunakan deria "rasa" pendengaran sahaja. Tetapi saya tak mengaku saya hebat, saya hanya mengaku bahawa saya boleh melakukannya.
Ah...masa itu telah pun berlalu. Boleh dikatakan saya ini anak emas beliau jugalah walaupun mungkin ada lagi pelajar yang mendapat layanan baik dari beliau. Cuma saya kini sendiri dan tiada siapa lagi dapat memandu arah hidup saya. Mungkin saya pernah menceritakan kisah beliau dalam entri beberapa tahun dahulu, tapi mungkin saya sudah lupa dan inilah masanya saya menyegarkan semula memori untuk bangun menempuh hari esok.
Sampai disini sahajalah dahulu. Ada lagi benda saya perlu selesaikan.
Jumpa lagi,
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Tuesday, May 15, 2012
App for the beginner?

Assalamualaikum and welcome to this edition of Infinitesane "Techy Tuesday".
I was just browsing internet as usual earlier today. And this time I found something about an app for anybody who not a techy savvy.
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I never told you about the term "app" right? Because the term "app" is just familiarized this decade. Maybe I'll tell you next week. As for now, I would like to share about this app I was talking about.
This is the link@source of the article that I've read earlier. Basically, it is an app for family called "Family Ribbon". With this app, anybody can use iPad. If they can afford of course. Even a granny can use it, just look at the picture above. It is actually an iPad; simplified. Some people find this app useless (like the source article) because most of kids NOWADAYS know how to use and operate a gadget. However, I still think this app may be useful for an older people and I mean real old people. Believe me, for some old people, they really can't catch up with today's technology with their terms and others. A lot of funny story of them encounter technology out there.
My point is, the objective of the app is to embrace the bonds between family member through online/technology. And as I told you before, many older people don't know how to use this technology and some of them are not even care about learning how to use it. This is quite harsh but I call them "Tech Dumb" but nothing wrong with that. That is just a statement. They're not good at something techy-ish. So, at some degree I think this app is practical.
Sure at the other degree, this app doesn't sound so practical. Yet, I think there is still a lot of people out there are "Tech Dumb". So, this app quite relevant to them, IF they care to have a facebook account, or to make a video call, or to send emails.
Bottom line, this is just my opinion. I don't even have an iPad. Hahaha...
I think that's all for now, we'll meet again later,
Hasta luego,
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Monday, May 14, 2012
The Avangers, SeeFood & Farid

Assalamualaikum and welcome to Infinitesane "Mega Monday". I've watched "The Avengers" two weeks ago, but the next Monday I think I should write something about Bob Kuman's death. So I postpone my intention.
However, this week not only I'll comment about "The Avengers", but also SeeFood and a new singer I just found out today, Farid.
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Let's start with "The Avengers". High hopes as I'm going to watch the movie after listening the positive review and comments about the movie. And fortunately, the movie didn't disappoint me. Alas, the movie is a high budget movie. So, the effect, and sets are awesome.

Next, is about the Malaysian animation movie, "SeeFood". I didn't watch it in the cinema, but I watch it in High Definition on television via "Astro First".
Astro First is the first ever service in Malaysia that brings the cinema experience right into your home. With Astro First Movie Portal on Astro Channel 480, the window between the cinema and Pay TV will be shortened and Astro customers will have access to the latest local cinema titles (as early as 2 weeks after the cinema debut) in Malaysia, available for viewing via SMS. ~source
I also have a high hopes on this movie. However I'm quite disappointed with the movie. I'm not really have a high hopes on the effect or the animation quality, but after bragging about their "success" abroad, I really hope this will impress me. I don't know what was wrong with the movie. Is that about the music selection, or just a loose storyline. I think what's bother me is the loose storyline. I don't even know where is the climax, where is the main plot. Is it about saving the eggs, or human rage, or about deep sea creature try to take over the coral. And while deep sea creature attacking the coral, suddenly martle and octo act like there is nothing happen when they worrying about Julius. And after Julius come back, the deep sea creatures retreat just like that. So, who's the antagonis? I don't know, I'm not a professional about movies and stories, but I can say I'm puzzled throughout the movie. I'm sorry, it's not that I'm not supporting Malaysian films, but I cannot tolerate with the storyline. I still can torlerate about the animation quality or the effects quality, but the story is the main thing that will sell. I'm sorry, I'll give a 2.5 stars out of 5.
Lastly, today while I just browsing the facebook, an ads suddenly caught my attention. It's about another Maher Zain-ish singer want to try his luck on the market. Plus, he's a Malay. He's not a Malaysian Malay though, but he's still a Malay. Not sure whether he grows up in the US or just lived there. I'll quote from his website:
Farid is an Indonesian American Muslim Singer from California who combines R&B, Hip-Hop and Pop music with Islamic philosophy. If you like artists like Maher Zain, Outlandish, Native Deen, then you’ll love Farid. Like his page, “Recommend” to support his music and download his latest album, “Bismillah”. ~source
He even mention Maher Zain to sell his product. At first, I want to choose the word "wannabe" instead of "Maher Zain-ish", but I think the word "wannabe" is kinda negative word, even though I meant good. I'm one of Maher Zain wannabe too. Nothing wrong with that. However, I feel sorry to say this but, so far (I've not listen many of his songs yet) none of his songs impress me. I want to support him especially he's a Malay, but it is different when I was listening to Maher Zain song for the first time. When I was listening Maher Zain song for the first time, I fell in love with the sound, the melody and many other indescribable quality. I will maybe listen to his song and give him a chance for a few days which I didn't do it when I first listen to Maher Zain or even Native Deen for the first time. Sorry bro, I'm just being honest. Plus, music is a subjective evaluation. Perhaps other people found the songs good. He is giving his EP FOR FREE for a limited time only. Just click here or here (for malay site). His name is Farid.
That's all for now. I want to shut down my laptop sooner today because electric bills are hiking. Maybe my excessive usage of my laptop. As for my other blog, "Between the Post", today is not a very productive day because for today there is only 2 entries as nothing much going on today. The first one earlier this morning while tonight there is another one entry.
See you later,
Hasta luego,
Baca lagi>>

This Week on WWE
There is a lot thing going on in WWE this week. I'll try to tell you one by one. But before that, today is mother's day. So, Funkasaurus aka Brodus Clay want to give you a message. Here it is:
(Baca lagi = Read more)
This week on RAW, there was a tag team match between Sheamus and Randy Orton vs Alberto Del Rio and Chris Jericho. Del Rio and Jericho won after Sheamus accidentally "Brogue Kick" Orton. Jericho pin the champion and demand a championship match. Del Rio also as the number one contender doesn't like the idea. And Orton also want to have that title back. I can say what a good way to build-up a match.
Paul Heyman shows up and read Lesnar message and I quote "Will never come back" and he quit. Will he really quit? Will Triple H seek vengeance? Plus Lesnar trash talking HHH by saying he won't last a minute in a match with him (Lesnar). Who knows? We'll see next Monday (Tuesday if you're here).
A divas match on RAw. Again a short boring match. I don't even remember that match anymore. And this RAW, Funkasaurus got a longer match between former WWE champion, The Miz. At last, I see Brodus Clay having a problem facing an opponent. Yet, he still winning.
Moving on SmackDown, where the newer faces and divas got more action. Kaitlyn and AJ feud. I can see some build-up right there. My last week wish seems to be granted. And Danial Bryan appearance just to say on AJ face that he'll moving on to Kaitlyn make me feel the AJ-Kaitlyn feud is building up.
Next, the new faces. I can see Ryback, Antonio Cesaro, Damien Sandow and tag team Titus O'Neil/Darrren Young. Ryback still don't have a "fair" fight match against him even though Heath Slater gives some fight. Antonio Cesaro don't even speak yet, so I don't know his mic skill. Damien Sandow still talking, no fighting. Ehem, sir, you're in a wrestling company. So, shouldn't you fight somebody? And by the way he's mockking Matt Striker as a former teacher, I really would like to see Matt goes back on the ring for some action. Maybe it's just a dream that will not come true. I just recently, watching wrestling again, so I miss Matt Striker's action. I know he wrestle. Back to Damien Sandow, I bet he'll never mocking Kane as he also a former teacher. Haha, I would like to see that.
Lastly, the tag team title will be defended at Over the Limit against Jack Swagger/Dolph Ziggler. Speaking on tag team, Titus O'Neil/Darren Young still having their winning streak. Good for them. Look at this video below, I really think this is funny when Booker T try to imitate Titus O'Neil "sound effect". Hahaha...
Before I forgot, tomorrow there is a Pay-Per-View action for TNA fans out there, if there is any. TNA Sacrifice. Tune in. And, I just notice that so far no official song for this Over the Limit. Is anybody notice that?
That's all for now, see you guys later,
Hasta luego,
Baca lagi>>

Saturday, May 12, 2012
You're Fans of Soccer/Football or Field Hockey? Head to My New Blog!
This is gonna be a short entry again. Why? Because I just want to promote my new blog, suddenly launched this Tuesday. The blog is called "Between The Post". Don't ask me why I pick that name. The name just pop into my mind at one early morning. Just like the name, "Between The Post" is all about sports which featured "Goal Post", like soccer/football, field hockey, or maybe some futsal. But mainly about soccer/football and mostly about Malaysian football. Notice I mention field hockey and not hockey because I really don't know anything about ice hockey which is a BIG SPORT in USA. I think. Nonetheless, just click the image below to go to the blog. I'll see you there!

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Friday, May 11, 2012
Mother's Day: Ibu kini?

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera kepada semua pengunjung Infinitesane. Moga-moga dapatlah kita "Berkat Jumaat".
Hujung minggu ini, hampir seluruh dunia akan menyambut dan merayakan ibu mereka dan menjadikan ahad pertama bulan Mei sebagai hari ibu. Saya tak ada masalah tentang perkara tersebut. Ibu memanglah sepatutnya dihargai atas pengorbanan dan susah payah mereka membesarkan kita. Walaupun saya bukanlah anak yang baik dan sering menghampakan mereka, namun saya tahu susah payah mereka. Cuma mungkin mereka tak tahu yang saya tahu tentangnya. Tapi itu tak penting.
Semua orang tahu betapa pentingnya ibu dalam sejarah manusia. Malah Rasulullah sendiri banyak kali menekankan tentang pentingnya ibu dalam hidup manusia. Dalam hadis banyak disebut tentang kepentingan ibu dalam hidup manusia. "Syurga di bawah tapak kaki ibu" dan banyak lagi.
Namun, melalui berita yang kita dengari sejak kebelakangan ini, ianya sangat kurang enak didengari dan dilihat. Melalui sebuah video yang berlegar luas di internet, seorang ibu memukul anaknya sendiri tanpa belas kasihan. Dibawah ini adalah pengakuan orang yang mengambil video tersebut bahawa dia tidak bersubahat dan terdapat sedutan video tersebut dalam klip video di bawah ini.
Saya sejujurnya tak pernah menonton video tersebut dari mula sehingga habis. saya hanya melihat sedikit sedutan semasa di berita dan di klip video di atas. Tak sampai hati saya menonton video tersebut. Video yang seronok saya tonton adalah video di bawah ini. VIDEO NIA! Bayi memang begitu fitrahnya. Mereka belum faham apa yang boleh apa yang tidak. semua benda nak dimasukkan dalam mulutnya, semua nak dirasa. Lagi dimarah, lagi dibuat. Tapi itulah budak...sekadar info, perkataan budak jangan disebut kepada orang di indonesia, kerana maksudnya lain, rasanya maksud budak dalam bahasa Indonesia hamba. Kalau salah betulkan. Jom tonton video Nia. Dah terlalu banyak video Nia saya ambil...
Baca lagi>>

Thursday, May 10, 2012
The Magic of Oil
Oil, to be precise petroleum, is a "gold fountain" for those who owns it. As a main power supply to the world, the one who owns it can be a "king" in the world. The problem is it's a fossil fuel. It will extinct
However this entry is not about petroleum oil. It's kinda abstract-ish entry. I just want to remind us about how oil can change our life.
Petroleum oil, without it, human felt unproductive. Everything seems too slow.
Cooking oil, grease, too much of it bring cholesterol and a threat to life span of a human.
SEA CUCUMBER OIL, you can get a lot of it as a souvenir from Langkawi. And it is really a good solution for wounds and cut. Because it can heal the cut really fast! I used it when I was involved in an accident a few months ago. And if you read yesterday entry, I told you about the deep cut I got and I applied the "sea cucumber oil" in my wrapped finger. And after 24 hours, this is the result:
And after almost 48 hours (just a few minutes ago), here is the result:
It's just like a magic right? It really heal fast! That's all for now. I'm sorry for disappointing you all for a lame entry today. This entry suppose to be in the "Wednesday Wonder" right?
See you later,
Hasta luego,
Baca lagi>>

Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Not a "Wednesday Wonder" Much
Assalamualaikum and welcome to Infinitesane "Wednesday Wonder". Well, today is not a very wonderful day for me.
Last night, I just cut my finger. Well, not just a "scratchy" cut, but a deep, meaty cut. If you don't understand, the cut is deep. I almost pass out last night after blood gushing out from my finger. Luckily I didn't pass out. So, I ask my mother to "wrap" the cut tightly so the cut will heal better.
(Baca lagi = Read more)
Also, it has been a few days that my internet connection start to make a problem. The connection is in an on/off situation. What's funny is when I call the internet service, TM, the connection is suddenly on. If this situation still happening, I'll still going to call TM even there is internet connection at that time.
And lastly, Selangor lost against Negeri Sembilan in a match that should give Selangor the upperhand. You can read the report in my new blog, "Between The Post" here. Please come visit my new blog if you're a football/soccer, futsal, hockey fans. I hope you'll like it and leave a comment/respond.
See you later,
Hasta luego,
Baca lagi>>

Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Facebook, Twitter and Others. Maybe MySpace and Friendster too.

Assalamualaikum and welcome to today "Techy Tuesday". This time I would like to talk about social network evolution.
In todays world, almost nobody who have internet connection doesn't know about facebook, twitter, BLOGGER and many more. The beginning of this called "social network" dated back to year early 00'. I know it was not precise but at least that is when the social network fenomena started to bring impact to humankind.
(Baca lagi = Read more)
I was in the secondary school at that time. I was in a boarding school where I'm away from my family and my friends. I still remember why did I start to sign up my first social network, it was "FRIENDSTER". Actually I just follow my classmates who sign up to friendster and add them back even though we can meet anytime except school holiday. The computer lab which was suppose to used as working station for students become the "cyber cafe" computer lab was always full with students to check their profile and their crush profile. Well, that days is over and right now, friendster is still alive. But not as a social network, but as gamers network. Correct me if I'm wrong, I've heard somewhere that friendster was bought by a Malaysian. So, support Malaysian product! For those who want to check their profile, forget it. Your pretty bling-bling profile is not there anymore. They've thrown away your profile and replace them with the default profile. You still have your account, but you can only play games. I played it sometimes.
Moving on, MySpace was a big thing in US before facebook, I think. I once have a MySpace account but I later terminate it because I don't think it gives me anything. And then, there was Tagged. It only manage to survive in my life a few month and later I'm not sure whether I terminate or just left my account out there. I sign up in Tagged because of influence from my housemates.
The longest and still alive in my social network account list, is definitely FACEBOOK. At one point, I was being in a safe mode just to have one social network account which is friendster. But I got the urge from my classmate, Buyut (not a real name) to open a facebook account. With facebook, there is no such thing as privacy if you just "go with the flow". To protect your privacy, you need to alter your account setting and so your account become safe from any abusive information. You know, data mining stuff like that. You are opened to the world to see you, what you doing etc. Yet, it still the most popular social site in the world, I think.
Lastly, I just sign up a twitter account recently, because I would like to widen Infinitesane visitors but apparently I don't think it's going to work. Second reason why I sign up a twitter account is to read, and join the conversation when a WWE show broadcasted. I think right now in US twitter is the most active social site compared to facebook. Again, it's just my rough observation.
And today, I stumble to an article [here] about smartphones vs computers for facebookers time on site. Aside that I cannot afford a smartphone, it will come to an era when almost anybody use smartphone. It's smart, handy and mobile. Plus, I think that is good actually. Because if you using computer to online to your social sites, you are not moving much thus jeopardize your health. By using smartphones, you are moving and you can stay health. You can hangout on social sites while you're jogging or on excersice.

That's all for now. Don't forget to follow my twitter @Infinitesane for any update. You like/dislike this entry? don't forget to comment alright?
See you later,
Hasta luego,
Baca lagi>>

Takziah: Alfatihah buat Bob Kuman
Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera buat semua pengunjung Infinitesane. Saya tahu hari ini hari selasa. Tetapi ketiadaan saya semalam adalah disebabkan talian internet yang terputus dan ianya menyakitkan hati. Kerana saya memang berniat untuk menulis tentang ini semalam lagi di "Mega Monday".
Bob Kuman atau nama sebenarnya Husni Mohd Rawi meninggal dunia pada usia 41 tahun. Beliau pada asalnya adalah seorang penyanyi kumpulan duo, KU2 yang terkenal dengan lagu "Nicky Dan Rozie". Nama Kuman diperoleh semasa dalam kumpulan tersebut di mana seorang lagi ahli kumpulannya ialah Kumin. Kemudian, kariernya sebagai pelawak lebih menyerlah dan lebih terkenal sebagai pelawak.

Saya bukanlah peminat hasil kerjanya, tapi saya menghormati usaha keras beliau selama ini.
Takziah kepada keluarganya dan Alfatihah kepada beliau.
Jumpa lagi,
p/s: Bersama-samalah kita menjaga kesihatan.
Baca lagi>>

Monday, May 7, 2012
This week on WWE

Assalamualaikum and welcome to today's "Sunday Sunnyday". Many things happen this week throuhout WWE.
Let's just recap this week on RAW and SmackDown. Like Bella Twins fired, Brock Lesnar's attack, Laurinaitis attack and many others. Oh before that, let's watch this week "Foreign Exchange" shall we? This week is funny compared to last week which in my opinion was boring.
First of all about Brock Lesnar's attack to Triple H. Perhaps they'll face each other in next PPV, Over The Limit? According to this week SmackDown, Triple H need a surgery for his arm. But earlier today, I watch Miguel Cotto vs Floyd Mayweather match before I went out, I notice Justin Bieber at Mayweather's back. I almost "LOL"ed at him and then I notice Triple H also at his back! And he seems okay to me. No slinger, no cast and he's fine. So, I guess the injury is just in the storyline. Then, Laurinaitis attacked Cena in the end of this week RAW, revealing he is Cena need to face in Over The Limit. Well, I think most of the fans know that this will gonna be a Laurinaitis along Lord Tensai and Sakamoto vs Cena match.
Then, about the Bella Twins "fired". I first thought that the Bella's win against Beth Pheonix was unscripted because the injury look legit. But later I read somewhere that maybe WWE want the Bellas to re-sign their contract as their contract have expired. So they give The Bellas the title. And as The Bellas didn't wanted to re-sign their contract, they made them lose to a comeback Diva, Layla (watch The Bella Twins fired here). And I notice a better improvement in the Divas Division as their match took a longer time. And maybe Eve's involvement in the main storyline, maybe the divas division get their chance to be in a longer air time. Before this, if you want to watch a decent divas match, you can onnly watch it in NXT or Superstars. But this week SmackDown in the Layla vs Natalya match, they fight quite well. At least more than a 3 minutes match. And AJ and Kaitlyn storyline, I hope it can be develop to a match as Kaitlyn want to wake AJ up and get over Danial Bryan. Even though this is not related, I think Kaitlyn is pretty even though she is quite muscular for for a pretty woman.
The number one contender for the WWE title is Danial Bryan? I don't know why a SmackDown superstar get a WWE title shot. Maybe they want to make another undisputed champion? And I still don't get the feud between Sheamus-Alberto del Rio - Danial Bryan. And more newcomer like Damien Sandow and Derrick Bateman from NXT. I started to get bored with Ryback and Brodus Clay. Please WWE, make them exciting again. Please give more solid feud.
lastly before I end this entry, it is still funny to watch Big Show loss to Cody Rhodes. That's all for now.
See you later,
Hasta luego,
p/s: Sorry for a late post. I write this entry as I watching Manchester United vs Swansea that is why the pace is slow.
Baca lagi>>

Saturday, May 5, 2012
Final English FA Cup: Chelsea VS Liverpool
Assalamualaikum and welcome to today "Sporty Saturday". Today I would like to talk about this "late night" match. A match that is a final match. It's the English FA Cup Final between Chelsea vs Liverpool. Honestly, I'm not a fan of foreign league. But English league is the most popular league in the world. Maybe not the best, but it is a popular league at least in here, Malaysia.
I MAY not watching this match because as I said I'm not a big fan of foreign league. Beside I'm tired right now because today was a hectic day. I first went to the Book Fair at PWTC (Putra World Trade Centre) and there are so many people and it was damn crowded there. Maybe tomorrow is the end of the fair. Then, I persuade my family to watch "The Avenger" in 3D. As a result, I just arrive home and I'm pretty sure I'm tired right now.
Back to the topic, today's match is between two big name in the English league. I can't say big giant to liverpool anymore because they're not in the top 5 in the league anymore, but still they have a big name known worldwide until this day. So, it's still going to be a popular match watched today. My brother is a Liverpool fan and my sister is a chelsea fan. But, both of them are NOT A BIG FAN. My brother was quite a big fan but not very much today. You can say I'm a Arsenal fan but also not a big fan.
Based on achievement, I can say Chelsea have the upperhand on this match because they just took out Barcelona, the defending champion in the UEFA Champions League and going to the Final UCL. Liverpool? I'm not sure because I didn't follow much about them. Sure, they've won some match but if I'm not mistaken, they lost in their last match right?
Nonetheless, I hope it will be an entertaining match to their fans and to the neutral viewers like me.
That's all for now. Sorry for a short entry again today. It will be a longer entry for tomorrow. Plus, I'm already tired to write.
See you later,
Hasta luego,
p/s: Image taken from here.
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Thursday, May 3, 2012
Bersih 3.0: Tak Payahlah...
Baiklah, berbalik kepada topik kita kali ini. Saya sejujurnya tak nak ambil port pun pasal benda ini. Saya tak tahu pun ada Bersih 3.0 kali ini. Munglin tak banyak diwar-warkan di media perdana atau memang saya tak nak ambil tahu. Saya benci benda berpuak-puak ni. Tapi bila benda ini lebih banyak mengundang keburukan dari kebaikan, lebih baiklah tak payah dilangsungkan. Jangan nak melatah dahulu dengan saya. Saya tak menyebelahi mana-mana pihak.

Mula-mula, pihak polis dikatakan melakukan provokasi. Maka peserta demonstrasi akan bertindak liar. Jadi siapa yang dipersalahkan? Polis yang melakukan provokasi atau peserta demonstrasi? Dah tak kisah dah. Kerosakan dah berlaku. Peniaga rugi, Jalan "jam" dan mungkin ada harta benda yang dirosakkan. KALAULAH perhimpunan ini tidak berlaku, mungkin kurang "Jam", keluarga dapat bersiar-siar, orang ramai dapat jalan-jalan dengan santai dan sebagainya. Rakan saya secara peribadi pernah terlibat dengan perhimpunan seperti ini semasa dia keluar ke Kuala Lumpur. Dia bukanlah orang KL, jadi dapatlah dia meronda KL. Sangkaannya meleset kerana dia terpaksa "berkurung" di sebuah pusat beli-belah. Sadis tak?
Saya faham anda semua tak berpuas hati dengan pelbagai perkara. Saya tak ada masalah dengan itu. Pastinya anda semua sudah dapat menjangka yang pihak polis takkan berlemah-lembut dengan anda. Masih juga anda teruskan perhimpunan ini. Tidakkah ia membahayakan orang ramai dan mereka sendiri? Janganlah tanya saya cara lain, kerana saya tak berniat nak berdemonstrasi. Anda dapat perhatian dari media luar, anda berjaya membuka pekung negara kononnya negara ini kotor. Tahniah saya ucapkan.
Sebelum saya mengakhiri entri kali ini walaupun entri nampak macam tak ada hala tuju, tetapi saranan saya, fikirkanlah baik buruk sebelum melakukan keputusan. Dan, silalah kutip sampah yang anda buang merata-rata (sekiranya ada) agar negara ini akan menjadi negara yang "bersih". Save the earth.
Jumpa lagi,
p/s: gambar diambil dari sini (artikel ini berat sebelah kerajaan, saya guna gambar mereka sahaja)
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Wednesday, May 2, 2012
It's Not a Cartoon, It's Anime You Idiot! (For Adult Only)
Actually I've thought about writing this entry a long time ago. But maybe I've forgot. Today I watch the ending song from "HunterXHunter" anime on Animax. I think the song is quite interesting so I searched that song in youtube. And I found it. But I usually go through comments while waiting the video to load. And I found something triggering my mind

You can read the comments at the video page here. About the comments above, I cannot agree more and for more detail information,
(Baca lagi = Read more)
I love to watch anime (not all, depends on the genre). HOWEVER, I'm really pissed off when anyone tease me for watching a CARTOON. Don't get me wrong, nothing wrong by watching cartoon. Plus, by watching cartoon you might enhance your creativity. What's make me mad is the perception about anime is a kid thing. You must know the difference, BIG DIFFERENCE between anime and cartoon.
The first difference is the theme of the story. Anime usually have a heavier story, plot or whatever you want to call it. But there is also some light story like "Keroro Gunso". Still, the story is about earth invasion. Maybe it is still for older kid. But I don't think "Samurai X" is a kid story. "HunterXHunter"is also not a kid show.
Second is about the detail. Like the comment, the anime drawing and detail is very different. For example, the anime drawing sometime give details about human anatomy like female breast. Is that what you call a kid show? I can see some of it in "Naruto", "Fairy Tail" and "One Piece" (even though it is aired in a children channel).

If you read the second comment from Darkness0191, he/she is half right. There is "Adult Cartoon" out there. I can give you some example, "The Simpsons", "Family Guy" and "Futurama". And there is still a lot of adult cartoon out there. Why this is not anime? Well because my definition of anime is:
1. From Japan.
2. The drawing is more realistic.
And all the shows above didn't fill all the criteria. The Adult cartoon is different than children cartoon because the theme is about the adult life. You know, "adult things" right? I mean family, work, tax and many other "adult things".

There you have it. I hope now you'll understand the difference between cartoon, anime and adult cartoon. Comment if you think different.
See you later,
Hasta luego,
p/s: Fairy Tail image teken from here
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Disassembling Sony Xperia S

Assalamualaikum and welcome to today "Techy Tuesday". I'm late because I watched Malaysian FA Cup Second Leg Semi Final and guess what? The underdog takes out defending champion from the final match and become the first club to be in a FA Cup final and they come from Premier League (second division). And the Manchester Derby, I'll talk about it later.
But for now, it's just another short entry about Sony Xperia S (again). I'm not sure whether I've told you that Sony Xperia S battery is not removable? Well I'm wrong. It can be remove and you can change it if you want. They just using same Sony Ericsson battery. But you must take full responsible about what you're trying to do. My suggestion? Don't do it without supervision if you're not sure about what you do. Just do it by yourself if you are confident that you know what to do. Let's cut the chase, just watch the video below:
That's all for now. See you tomorrow.
See you later,
Hasta luego,
p/s: source
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