Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Try do this...

Assalamualaikum and Welcome to today's Infinitesane "Wednesday Wonder".

Try raise one of your hand up in the air. Then hold on to that as long as you can. So, how long does it take until you finally give up? Well a man in India has done it for 39 long years! And now he can't even move it at all.

His name is Amar Bharati, and he's an Indian holy man that claims he's kept his right arm raised since 1973. By raising his hand, he think it will detached to earthly pleasure.

I'm actually doing that (raising hand) but it's not for the same purpose though. I did that as my training and I did that by lifting with a dumbbell. I don't know whether he happy with his life or not, but in Islam, we shouldn't force ourself to do things beyond human normality.

I think that's all for now. I'm sorry again with another short entry. Yes, I think I'm run out of idea. I hope you'll pray for me so that I'll always have something to write here. Until then, I hope we'll meet again tomorrow, InsyaAllah.

See you later,
Hasta luego,


p/s: For a full story and image source, it is taken from here.

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