Friday, September 30, 2011

Sidji: Itulah kita

Assalamualaikum and a very good Friday to all Infinitesane visitors.

As you can see, the title is in Malay. So, I'll briefly tell you what I'm trying to tell you here because after that I'll write this entry in Malay.

So, simply put, Malaysian and Indonesian mostly don't like each other. They have their own perception among each other. Mostly I've heard that they (Indonesian) always claiming Malaysia stealing their "identity" and claiming as ours. However, they don't remember that we are all Malay. So, why should we have differences? We are same, we are one, we are sidji. Well sidji is one, satu is also one. I'm a Javanese (is that the right word?) so I know how to count one to ten (only?) in Java. Java here is not that computer language, right? I wonder why they name it Java? Java here means Malays sub-race. Spelled "Jawa" in Malay archipelago.

So, my school/classmate did something so cool that defines what we are. One of the issue there is the title "Budak Indon". Indonesian assume that is an insult, but actually it is not near. Indon is a short-form from Indonesia. Instead, they asked us to not call them Indon and call them Indo as a short-form. As I've learn Japanese language, Indo is India in Japanese. So, the term Indo had been used by Japanese, so we don't want any confusion here, even though that has nothing to do with this issue, hahaha... And an Indonesian worker here work in the grocery store, even called themselves as Indon. I heard it by my own ear.

Anda lihatlah sendiri wahai orang melayu tak kira dari Indonesia atau Malaysia, kenapa harus kita bermusuh sesama kita? Kita kan serupa? Dan saya rasa isu panggilan "Indon" telah pun dijelaskan secara ringkas dan padat dalam video tersebut. Harap kita tidak lagi bermusuhan.

Sekian dari saya, jumpa lagi di entri akan datang,
Salam satu djiwa,
p/s: kita semua ada tanggungjawab terhadap masa depan dunia kita, adakah kita ingin membentuknya dengan acuan yang sama atau dengan acuan kita sendiri? sempurnakah dunia kita? Saya berikrar akan cuba sedaya upaya untuk mencipta dunia yang ideal, meskipun usaha saya hanya sebesar hama, sekurangnya saya mencuba.

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