Saturday, July 9, 2011 it DEAD?

أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم
Hello everybody, ¿Qué pasa? It's really long time no see right? The last "real" entry was on 2nd June 2011, which is my personal poem. Then, my last longer entry was on 2nd April 2011, and two entry in March and an entry in January. Wow, it really seems like Infinitesane had lose it's spark. While I'm drinking my chamomile tea before I get to sleep, I've a thought that: is it really Infinitesane "died"?

While I'm writing this entry, my tea is getting cold already. Actually I really hope it won't die, because the truth is I like to write. The problem is just my eagerness has gone already. But, for your information, now I'm working on to make the Infinitesane:revamp. Yeah, I said it already. But don't expect it will come soon because there is many things to do. Just for instance, I manage to do the Infinitesane "logo" even it is not really registered official logo. But, the progress will come slowly but surely. One more thing that is new, the tag/label is now renamed with more organized. And soon you will be revealed by something new in Infinitesane, it just need to take some time to make the preparation, practice and rehearsals. Well I've give quite many hint there. So, I'm hereby asking for an apology for the boring era of Infinitesane and hope that all my followers still follow this blog (I know that's not much compared to my other colleagues' blogs) and promoting this blog to the others. So, to be cleared, what is Infinitesane is all about?

INFINITESANE is a blog about what I (writer/admin) think about what happen around us. This is just my point of view that I hope we can share thought about that matter.

So, my second last thing to say, again. Please come back here, make a visit and comment. Infinitesane is still alive.

My last thing that I want to share with you is quite disappointing. My other blog, "Iqbal Nasir Di Khutbah Jumaat" will be shut down due to the lack of response on that blog. Maybe I will shut it before we meet Ramadhan. But, do not worry much, This blog still alive and it have a tag/label "religion" that touched on issues related to religion.

So see you again pals,
Hasta Luego, mi amigo,
Mata ne.

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