Hi, and how do you do to all of you. First of all, let me wish my brother a happy 25th birthday today.
Usually if there is anybody's birthday in my sibling, we usually celebrate it with eating somewhere. However, I think he now can celebrate by himself since now he has an establish job and independent. Now, when I want to go back to University, he usually give me some money. However, my last time went I go back, he didn't give me money. Perhaps the vacation paid for it(read the last weekend post). Even though he is selfish when he has a television remote in his hand, still I want to thanks him for everything. The pants that my brother's wear in the picture above is now mine. He gave it to me. Many of my brother clothes is now mine. And many people said we are look alike. However, he always said that he is more handsome than me.(I don't know whether he is joking or he is really mean it)
Today is also the day V6-Spirit (single) release and I've already have it, (CD jacket A+B+C) and it was good. Since last post didn't get many responses, Now I decide to do my comment and review on Johnny's Agency group on my livejournal.(Click here to go to my livejournal page). I want to do some review on the single and 'if' you interested to listen the songs and read my review, you are welcome to my livejournal page.(livejournal got tonnes of JE communities). You can check it out the day after tomorrow because I need to upload many things and it takes time. Plus, livejournal is not allowed to be open during class hour. Sure, you can take a look, but there is no entry yet except my first entry and cross-posting my previous entry about V6 performance on MS.
I think that's all for now. Once again, Happy 25th birthday to Nahar-san. Otanjoubi omedeto.
update: now if you want to read my review, it posted already at my livejournal