Assalamualaikum and a very good day to all Infinitesane visitors.
Lets talk about Asian Thomas & Uber Cup qualification as it nearing to its end.
This is the full result for today.
So, there you have it, Malaysia lost to Japan 3-0. If I'm not mistaken, in the newspaper report today, Japanese side said that they want to "give" Malaysia a win tonight, but maybe they've changed their mind. But the result doesn't affect Malaysia opportunity to qualify the final round of Thomas Cup as all the semi finalist qualify to final round.
Different story as we move on to the Uber Cup team, definitely, they are now just relying solely to the double as all the single fail to do well, especially the senior player. That's a shock as they're the one who should be the motivator to the junior players.
That's all for now,
See you later,
Hasta luego.
Mata ne,
Jumpa lagi...