Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Sekarang aku dah kembali setelah berehat panjang dari menulis blog sebab ada Final Exam.Tapi dah lame abis dah. Saja nak berehat panjang.
Cerita yang aku nak kongsi ni, apa yang aku lihat sendiri dalam family aku. Ia lebih kurang macam virus yang menular la dalam Family aku ni. Apakah dia?
Itulah globalisasi dan kesan negatif globalisasi ini telah pun melanda family aku. Aku bukan nak berbincang dari aspek ekonomi sebab itu adalah bidang yang aku tak tau apa-apa mengenainya.
Apa yang aku nak cakap ialah kehadiran penjajah era baru, iaitu lagu luar. Siapa yang membuka pintu untuk penjajah ini? Orang kita sendiri yang mengalu-alukan kehadiran penjajah ini untuk menutup periuk nasi orang kita. Kalau kat radio, terutamanya radio swasta, berlumba-lumba untuk memutarkan lagu-lagu terbaru dari mereka. Kadang-kala, orang kita sendiri tak tahu lagu-lagu terbaru tempatan kerana radio sibuk memutarkan lagu luar. Orang kita pun terpikat dengan lagu mereka dan membuat permintaan lagu sekaligus memberi alasan kepada pihak radio dengan menyatakan itu permintaan pendengar. Tetapi kalau pihak radio tak memperkenalkan lagu tersebut pada permulaannya, bagaimana pendengar nak tahu lagu terbaru dari mereka.
Aku akui bahawa aku pun minat dengan lagu dari luar terutamanya jepun, namun pada masa yang sama, aku tak menutup periuk nasi karyawan tempatan, aku masih membeli album original tempatan, aku turut menghafal lagu-lagu tempatan dan luar. Namun apa yang berlaku seolah-olah karyawan kita dianaktirikan dan terasing di negara sendiri. Orang kita tidak ambil endah dengan perkembangan karyawan tempatan. Mujurlah kehadiran indie band memberi saingan terhadap mereka. Aku dah sibuk dan penat memberi sindiran sinis terhadap orang-orang terdekat aku. Cuma mereka lebih suka dengan karya-karya dari luar yang 'plastik'yang mana akhirnya tidak memberi kesan pun terhadap artis kesayangan mereka.
Wang negara telah banyak mengalir keluar hasil dari pendatang tanpa izin dan kini lebih parah lagi apabila mereka telah menjajah gegendang telinga kita, merobek kesantunan kita dengan pergaulan yang semakin bebas. Walaupun kita mahu maju kehadapan, kita perlu belajar dari sejarah supaya tidak berulang kesilapan yang sama. Sama-samalah kita fikirkan...
ja, mata ne,
Baca lagi>>

Saturday, October 25, 2008
Life is ~ another story
Maybe I could share what is my real dream that I hope will become reality.
Firstly, I want to contribute to my country with all I've got. I want to make an empire like what KRU doing right now and I hope to build it bigger than KRU.
I also dreaming to be a film director, composer (I am now, but not as my profession), a singer, an actor, just like the late Sudirman Hj Arshad. For your information, Sudirman almost be a director and have a title for his film which is "Selamat Pagi Cikgu" (If I'm not mistaken). But he has left us before the project can be done and left us with his song, his showmanship and his love to our country. Actually he really wanted to produce a full patriotic album but the producer afraid that the album won't be sold. However, the song 'Warisan', and 'Tanggal 31' kept being played through radio at least when the independance season.
I would like to make a unforgetful song that contain good message for all humanbeing. I also want to produce a japanese album (if I can) and want to make a concert at Tokyo Dome (if I can). It is a profitable investment since making album in Malaysia is not really bring profit because now Malaysian tend to support foreigner's music. I also loved japanese song, but in the mean time, I still buy Original album for our local artiste. People always judging me as not patriotic to my country since I spent almost my time to listening V6 (a Johnny's Agency group. The other examples of Johnny's is SMAP, Arashi, TOKIO, NEWS ) or Hirai Ken. But, believe me, I still know what happen in Malaysia such as the latest news is Mawi will get married on 20th December 2008 (Haha...).
OK, I think there is so many thing I have said here, maybe I will talk about this again later.
Mata ne,
Baca lagi>>

Friday, October 24, 2008
Be a Malaysian, Support Malaysia.

Malaysia had confirmed their place in final of Merdeka Tournament by beating Myanmar 4-0 at Bukit Jalil Stadium, yesterday.
They still on their track to be Merdeka Tournament Champion 2 years in a row. As for this tournament record, they have never been allow their opponent to surpass the ball across their goal line and they have made 18 goals since the tournament started from 15 October. And the current leading goal scorer is Safee Sali.

Malaysia's football team actually have shown their improvement in this few year. Yet the Malaysian still finding their mistake and trying to get down their national football team's morale. As a Malaysian, I will still support them whenever, wherever and whatever happens, this is the meaning of
Hujan Emas Di Negeri Orang, Hujan Batu Di Negeri Sendiri, Lebih baik Di Negeri SendiriIt mean, even when they play terrible, we should trying to find solution, not blaming on their fault. They play for our country, this is their way to contribute to their beloved nation. I know what it feel when everybody didn't acknowledge your effort in a society. In this issue, they need support from us. Plus, I'm proud with their current progress.
I don't have ideas what to say to the 'blind' and 'deaf' Malaysian citizen. They following the BPL progress, but didn't even know a single national player who play for their country. I also follow the BPL, Serie A, Spanish league and many more. But still I know what happen in my own country.
I think that's all I want to write just now. My assignment is not done yet.
Mata ne,
Baca lagi>>

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Last episode : I won't copy and paste from wikipedia again
This is my history and my story about me and my beloved music device.
For this last episode, I would like to tell you my recent music device which is mp3 player.
It is true that first love is really hard to forget just like my first Sony Walkman cassette player that being stolen at Terminal One, Seremban. Thus, I think it almost impossible to get it back since it is lost at a very huge place. It is still hurt in the bottom of my heart. Even I still remember the price which is RM160. However, I kept a saving money to buy a mp3 player without my parents knowing it.(But now my dad will know since he know this is my blog). I think this is my first Walkman look alike (if I'm not mistaken).
During that time, I manage to get a mp3 player which have a capacity 512MB for around RM200 above.(That is quiet expensive right?). Now, we can get 1GB mp3 player for only RM100 below. When I think about my stupidity for buying it, my answer is my obsession for the music make me didn't think twice when making decision.(or in Malay, fikir masak-masak). Yet until now, the mp3 player still functioning, and my little sister use it because I'm replace it with a 2GB mp3 player inherited from my father. The mp3 player really contribute to my hobby which is song-writing since I don't even know how to play any instrument and also I don't know how to read or write a music score. So, I just recorded it into my mp3 player.
I also wanting something like Sony Ericsson's walkman mobile phone. But I realize that I am not from a wealthy family. I'm just come from a happy moderate family. So, this is a never ending story, but it still will end now. Maybe if there is a request for the 2nd season? who knows.
Mata ne, Baca lagi>>

Next episode : little dream
From wikipedia again, this is the second part of Walkman history.
CD Walkman (Discman)
The first CD based Walkman was initially launched in 1984 — the D-50 (D-5 in some markets). It was officially called the 'Discman', and this name has since been used informally to refer to such players. In recent years, Sony has dropped the Discman name and markets all its personal stereos under the Walkman brand.
Later Discman models featured ESP (Electronic Skip Protection), which pre-read the music from the CD into on-board memory and formed a type of buffer to prevent the CD skipping when the player was moved. The technology was since renamed 'G-Protection' and features a larger memory area, providing additional protection against skipping.
For years, the Discman and MD Walkman were successes in the marketplace. However, newer technologies, such as flash memory and hard drive-based digital audio players have caused the CD- and MD-based Walkman to lose popularity.
Sony still makes CD Walkmans — the newer models are capable of playing ATRAC3, ATRAC3plus, and MP3 CDs, and have become progressively thinner and more compact with each revision.
MiniDisc Walkman
Initially the MiniDisc was comparable to a miniaturised CD, capable of storing up to 74 minutes of near CD-quality audio on a disc roughly two-thirds the size of a CD. Today MiniDiscs can hold music as well as data files, with the ability to record and reproduce audio in CD-quality (without ATRAC lossy compression).
MiniDiscs come in a plastic caddy protecting the disc's surface from dust and scratches. MiniDisc Walkmans are able to play and record MiniDiscs from digital and analogue sources, such as live audio from their microphone inputs. The first unit on the market, the MZ-1 was relatively large and unpocketable, but following model, MZ-R2, and subsequent MD Walkmans are quite compact, with today's MiniDisc Walkmans not much larger than the discs themselves.
Gradual improvements were made to MiniDisc Walkmans through the years. The addition of MDLP (MiniDisc LongPlay) codec allowed up to 4 times the amount of music to be stored on one MiniDisc, at the sacrifice of some sound quality. NetMD followed. In 2004, Hi-MD was introduced, enabling computer files as well as CD-quality audio to be recorded on the discs for the first time. By 2005, Sony had relaxed the restrictions in its SonicStage software to allow unrestricted digital transfers to and from Hi-MD and the computer.
So, this is the second part of my Walkman history. I hope you will gain knowledge from my post.
Mata ne,

Monday, October 20, 2008
Cassette-based walkman
Cassette-based walkman
The original blue-and-silver Walkman model TPS-L2 went on sale in Japan on July 1, 1979. In the UK, it came with stereo playback and two mini headphone jacks, permitting two people to listen at the same time (though it came with only one pair of MDR-3L2 headphones). Where the Pressman had the recording button, the Walkman had a "hotline" button which activated a small built-in microphone (the Pressman), partially overriding the sound from the cassette, and allowing one user to talk to the other over the music. The dual jacks and "hotline" button were phased out in the follow-up Walkman II model.
Some devices were also capable of recording. The highest quality Sony Walkman recording cassette deck was the Walkman Professional WM-D6C. It was introduced in 1984, and was comparable in audio quality with many of the best non-portable cassette decks. Unusual for a portable device, the Walkman Professional had bright LED recording level meters and manual control of recording levels. It was equipped with quartz direct drive capstan, and amorphous head. Powered by local AC mains or by 4 AA batteries (compared with 2 for most Walkman models), it was widely used by journalists and developed a following among hi-fi enthusiasts; unusual for a consumer-electronics product, it was in production, unchanged, for almost 20 years. One of Henry Rollins' early spoken word CDs was recorded with a Walkman Pro.
Amid fierce competition, primarily from Toshiba (the Walky), Aiwa (the CassetteBoy) and Panasonic, by the late 80s, Sony upped the ante once again by creating the playback-only WM-DD9, launched in 1989 during the 10th anniversary of the Walkman (five years after the WM-D6C) and became the holy grail for a niche group of cassette Walkman collectors. It is the only auto-reverse Walkman in history to use a two motor, quartz locked, disc drive system similar to high-end home cassette decks to ensure accurate tape speed for both sides of playback (only one motor operates at a time depending on the side of the tape being played). Power consumption was improved by requiring only either one AA battery or one gumstick-type rechargeable, with optional AC adaptor input. It is also equipped with a tight gap amorphous tape head capable of reproducing the full 20–20,000 Hz frequency range, a gold plated headphone jack, and a 2 mm thick aluminum body. Sony made this model with only sound quality in mind, therefore it contains no gimmick features such as in-line remote control, music search, or LCD readout. Its only features are Dolby B/C noise reduction decoding, Mega Bass/DBB bass boost, tape type select, and two auto reverse modes.
By the late 1990s, the cassette-based Walkman was generally passed over in favor of the emerging digital technologies of CD, DAT and MiniDisc. After 2000, cassette-based Walkman products (and their clones) were approaching technological obsolescence as the cassette format was gradually phased out. However, Sony still continues to make cassette-based Walkman personal stereos today.
Every five years since the Walkman personal stereo was born in 1979 until 1999, Sony would celebrate by coming out with an anniversary cassette model on July 1st with unprecedented breakthroughs in technology and features. Each anniversary model carries a different theme while retaining some characteristics of previous anniversary models: WM-701S (user friendliness theme with remote control and slim sterling silver plated body — 1989), WM-EX1HG (efficiency theme with long battery life and pop-up eject — 1994), WM-WE01 (wireless theme with cordless remote control and cordless earphones — 1999). However, cassette Walkman innovation would come to an end as during its 25th Anniversary, Sony chose to not introduce another limited run cassette model but instead, brought out the hard disk based NW-HD1 in 2004 to officially augur the death of the compact cassette. (Sony did release two anniversary models in 2003, but they were MiniDisc players — see below.) The last play-only cassette Walkman to be introduced (in North America, at least) was the WM-FX290, first sold in 2002, which also featured digital tuning, AM, FM, TV and weather band radio, operating on a single AA battery. In Canada, at least (where, like all portable radios distributed in that country, the WM-FX290 lacked access to TV and weather bands) this device appears to have ceased production as of May, 2006. In August 2006, Sony Canada began selling cassette Walkmans again, but this time they were only offering a basic model, the WM-FX197.
In spite of the decline of the cassette-based Walkmans, logically operated deluxe models (WM-GX788 etc.) are still sold in a very few countries, especially in South Korea and Japan. These models still support a so-called gumstick-type rechargeable battery, offer relatively better sound quality than cheaper models do, and have an automatic tape position selector and auto-reverse function.
(from wikipedia, (again))
Since it is kinda late here, and this computer lab is going to be closed,
i will continue to post the next history lesson in my next post.
Mata ne,

For those who miss my voice, please be patient, until i produce my album or single,(yeah right)
For those who ask me to share my heart feelings, please wait just a little more time since there is almost the end of this semester...
Last but not least,
Thanks for make me feel like a superstar...

I wanna be a pop star
kimi wo motto muchuu ni sasete ageru kara ne
KIRAKIRA no pop star
hane wo hiroge mahou wo kakete ageyou kimi dake ni
(what on earth am i writing??)
Sorry for being a little crazy and over acting in this post...
I'm now not in a stable emotional condition...
Mata ne,
Baca lagi>>

Wednesday, October 15, 2008
even though maybe many of people have already know about that, it shows that our world and our species are really awesome.
Human's brain capacity is 4 Terabyte (if you wanna know). so we must feel gratitude to our creator for making such a magnificent creation. Then, please use our advantage wisely.
Please stop hurting others.
Stop misjudge other people. It really hurt. Seriously.
In our world, there are many interesting and amazing things that we can learn from.
But why are we searching ways to destroy others.
Everybody has their own right in this world.
Please respect others.
I'm standing my philosophy that
whoever respect me, I'll definitely respect them backSo, this is just my view as a youth looking towards future.
Something inside your pocket...
But do you have any idea what is inside it? (I don't have idea about it, honestly). Since I'm learning this kind of thing, I've found it in Wikipedia, so, enjoy reading it (me too).

The internal components of a typical keydrive
This photograph shows both sides of the printed circuit board inside a typical keydrive (circa 2004), in this case an inexpensive 64 Mbyte USB2.0 device. The plastic clamshell case has been removed.
In practice the keydrive consists of only two significant components. The first is the flash memory part (item 4 in the diagram), a generic device that might as easily be found in a digital camera's memory card. The second (item 2 in the diagram) is a device which implements the USB networking and mass-storage interface, and which knows how to make a chunk of generic flash memory appear like a normal disk drive. The high degree of integration in this latter part makes small, inexpensive keydrives possible.
The parts of the device are as follows:
- A male type-A USB connector.
- An Ours Technology Inc. OTi-2168 USB 2.0 mass storage controller. This implements the USB 2.0 host controller, and provides a seamless linear interface to block-oriented serial flash devices, while hiding the complexities of block-orientation, block erasure, and wear balancing. It contains a small RISC microprocessor and a small amount of ROM and RAM. This communicates with the Hynix device over an 8-line unified address/data bus. This version is a 7x7mm 48-pin LQFP (Low Profile Quad Flat Pack) surface-mount device
- JP1 and JP2: two unpopulated 10-pin connectors, used for testing during the keydrive's manufacture.
- A Hynix Semiconductor HY27USxx121M series NAND Flash memory device, featuring 4096 independently erasable blocks each providing 16 Kbytes of storage, yielding a total of 64 Mbytes of usable storage. The version used in this keydrive is a 20x12mm 48-pin TSOP1 (Thin Small Outline Package) surface-mount package
- An SKC Shin Chang Electronics 12.000 MHz crystal oscillator (XTAL). The OTi device runs the output of this through a phase-locked loop to produce its main 12 MHz clock signal.
- A single yellow light-emitting diode (run from a pin on the OTi device) which flashes to indicate activity.
- A simple two-position switch, used to indicate whether the device should be in "write-protect" mode. It is shown here in the make position, indicating write-protect is off.
- An unpopulated space for a second TSOP1 memory package. The OTi device is capable of driving up to eight such devices. Having this second space allows the manufacturer to choose (generally on a cost basis) whether to use one or two TSOP flash parts.
Surrounding these main components are a number of tiny surface-mount resistors (many of them serving as pull-ups) and capacitors.
p/s: sorry if my english is grammatically wrong, i was trying my best. Baca lagi>>

Tuesday, October 14, 2008
I'm not INSANE

Aku adalah insan yang sedikit berbeza berbanding dengan insan lain,namun aku bukan insane...
Aku punya minat yang mungkin tak ramai di sekitar ku yang juga punya minat sedemikian,
Tapi itu bukanlah penghalang sesuatu ukhuwah itu,
Namun, sebuah penghalang telah terbina dan dibina oleh manusia sendiri,
Mengapa ini semua terjadi,
berlaku ketidakadilan dalam sesebuah perhubungan,
Dalam sebuah ikatan (persahabatan dan yang lain-lain berkaitan...), kita harus sedar bahawa orang lain bukanlah diri kita,
Jadi kita perlu menerima dan menghormati apa yang disukai, bukannya menyindir atau mengejek dengan harapan dia akan mengikut telunjuk kita...
Itu bukan caranya kawan...
Aku cakap kerana aku meminati artis-artis jepun dan pada masa yang sama, aku turut meminati artis tempatan,
Hujan emas di tempat orang, Hujan batu di negeri sendiri, Lebih baik di negeri sendiri...Namun perbezaan ini dijadikan bahan jenaka, aku tak nampak mana point nya disitu...
kalau begitu, kenapa sinetron-sinetron yang berlambak-lambak di kaca televisyen itu tak dijadikan bahan jenaka?
Renung-renungkan dan fikirlah sendiri... Baca lagi>>

Selamat Hari Raya
My subject is BIT 1023
En. Zubaile nama pensyarah yang diingati,
Suka atau tidak, bukanlah menjadi soalan di hati,
Sebab harus ambil semester ini...
Saya mengambil subjek ini semester ini, jadi ini adalah subjek yang agak menarik sebenarnya,
macam-macam perkara yang boleh dipelajari, sebenarnya diatas muka bumi ini terlalu banyak benda yang boleh dipelajari, samada telah sedia ada mahupun yang masih menjadi misteri...
Antara perkara-perkara yang dipelajari dalam subjek ini ialah apakah komputer itu sebenarnya,
(lebih kuranglah...) Baca lagi>>