أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم
As I promised, I will subbed the second part after my Operating System were done. I think I can answer that paper, but I'm not sure the answer will be right or wrong. The paper finished at last evening Friday. So, soon after I've done with the exam, I didn't do the subtitle first, but I do some video editing for me and everyone pleasure. (Updated: Whoever are interested to get the edited video in one piece, you can get the download link below.)بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم
Here are the videos that I edited.
I do all the video until Saturday morning. Then, since afternoon until midnight, I work on this subtitle work. Surprisingly, the work are less stress compared with the previous project. Perhaps the dialog are lesser and I didn't do it continuously. After doing translation, I played PES for example. After that, I continued the subtitle work. Okay, that's all for now. As usual, download link and synopsis are down there if you click "Baca lagi>>"....
Upin and Ipin still not giving up to try to get a new bicycle. Can they have it?

Download Link:
Full file (83.97MB)

Split file (In case someone using UTHM wifi want to download it.)
.001 (70MB)
.002 (13.97MB)
(Updated: Download Link for Chapalrela favorite scenes)
.001 (100MB)
.002 (100MB)
.003 (100MB)
.004 (90.19MB)
As usual, combine using 7zip. Once you've install, right-click on the .oo1 file and choose "extract here"

P/s: For the "pantun" part, I made an English version "pantun".
pp/s: Still many error in my translation, maybe. My English not really good. Still don't know the meaning of "rezeki" and "berkat".
ppp/s: Still got two more paper. These two paper is the toughest among the subjects that I've take in this semester. Object-oriented programming and Network and Data Communication. Yes I know that there are person out there that might think it is easy, but for my capability, it is not. So, we will meet again after Final Examination ended and in a new house.