أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم السلام عليكم
This time round, It is Upin Ipin turn to be subbed. I personally dislike the Disney channel English dubbing because it make "the flavor" missing. So, I make this subtitle so that the flavor doesn't missing and for those who don't understand Malay language enjoy this wonderful series...Even though the previous project (Spongebob) didn't get any attention from people, but It won't make me stop. I'm not sure whether you all know or not, that this animation series also aired in a TV Station in Turkey, "HilalTV" I think. I also think by doing this subtitle, other from many countries can learn Malay from this kind of project. This time, it only take me 5-6 hours to do it. Not like previous project that spend 10 1/2 hours to do that. I also upload this at youtube, but the quality is not good (or is it my laptop wasn't good enough?). So if you think it is interesting and worth to download it, please do that. As usual, for synopsis and download link, click "Baca lagi". Baca=read, lagi=more...
Synopsis: Upin and Ipin visited by Mail, Ehsan and Mei Mei with their bicycle. Fizi also joining them to play bicycle. Have fun with them exploring children imagination...
Download Link: Full file(85.08MB) .avi Split file (In case someone using UTHM wifi want to download it. LOL...) .001 (70MB) .002 (15.08MB) As usual, combine using 7zip. Once you've install, right-click on the .oo1 file and choose "extract here"
I will sub the 2nd part after my Operating System paper done. It is tougher because Jarjit will be there and he loves to "Pantun". Click the word pantun to know more.
p/s: UTHM wifi user didn't allowed to download a file sized 80MB and above... pp/s: When the video done, just realize that "an ointment" become "a ointment"...LOL...
Infinitesane Subbing: Upin & Ipin - New Bicycle, Part 1