أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم
Minna, hisashiburi na...15 days I didn't online. It's not like I'm sulking or something like that. I just opened my e mail several times and take a look around my facebook updates. Hontou ni gomen nasai because I can't reply any of your comments or what-so-ever. It's just I just moved out from residential college and moved to a rent house. You can see the house below. But I'm sorry for not showing you the rooms, since it is really messy in there.
So, I don't have internet line for this house but just waiting the internet line to be installed in my house. And I not a person who bring my laptop to a cafe for a wifi. Not for now. So, I just patiently waiting my internet line to be installed in this house. Am I repeating the same thing again? LOL. Even now I'm online at my University Computer Lab. There is a lot of stories to be shared and thought by us. ---Tut---. I'm not saying anything about "that" thing in this entry. Because it will be discussed in the next entry. This entry is just a comeback announcement and things that will be shared later. Here I compile a few news from the newspaper that we will think later.

First, about the main road in my University. Kluang - Batu Pahat Road. It is the most dangerous road in this state, Johor.

Next, the new Miss USA which is a muslim. But I will not stating Syiah or Sunni matter.

Third, is about speech corner (Is it the right term?) in the University.

Lastly about Jawi writing.
All the newspaper clipping you can enlarge it by clicking the picture. It will appear in the new tab or window. We'll meet again in the next entry in just a minutes, InsyaAllah...
p/s: I recently realize that my entry that still being read is "Am I A Gay?" entry. Especially from Italy if I'm not mistake. Are people from there are fond with the word "gay"? I don't know about it and I don't want to jump into a conclusion from that analysis. Futhermore, Islam is second highest community in Italy after Christian. Correct me if I'm wrong. Joudan da yo? Just kidding...Actually there are many people know about it that the word "gay" is not only referring to the homosexual man. In my "Little Oxford English Dictionary" page 291, the word "gay" is also referring to: 3) light-hearted and carefree. 4) brightly coloured. However, both of them are labelled as "dated" means that it is used in the past but no longer used by most people. That's all, thank you.