What's wrong with me? Why am I so happy?
At last my school get a first place in the nasyid competition District Level. This news I just receive a few hours ago. They (my junior) are lucky this time because SMAP (Sekolah Menengah Agama Persekutuan) Labu is not in their district anymore, when I was in my school, SMAP is always an obstacle for my group to get first place.
Then, as usual, they use my songs to be sang at the competition. The song is Khulafa' Ar-Rasyidin (2004) and Ke sana (2008). (For those SDARians that never heard of Ke sana, I also give you the recorded performance from my junior, Fivers last year because I never performed this song and this song is my first song that I compose for other people...)Actually they develop really well. My group is going to establish almost at the end of year 2005 which is the end of 2006 is my last year in my school. So, I'm so proud with them. I don't know is this the feeling that parent felt when their child success in their life. It is because I nurture them since their still young. I taught my group with my limited experience and knowledge.
As a conclusion, I'm really happy with them. Ureshii na...
Oh, my sister ask me to enter a singing competition today, but sorry, I didn't go because all my room mate going for some event, so this is my chance to get my privacy because it is hard to get alone here, so that I can make a song, and it was done a few hours ago but the lyric is still not ready yet.
I think the title is 'warkah yang tak kesampaian' or 'warkah yang tak tiba' or some sort like that. That's all for today, excuse me if there is any mistake in my grammar(if there is) and I will update my blog at weekend.
OK, Assalamualaikum and Ijou desu...
That's all...
p/s: The edited one is green in colour...
Baca lagi>>