Thursday, July 1, 2010

Random entry...The ball starts spinning...

أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم

The clock now is showing 11:26 am, and I'm at my home, Klang. Lonely since everyone in this house is either working or went to school. This is not included my elder brother and my elder sister. Since they are not living in this house anymore. Not for now because my sister studying at KLIA and come home once in a while. My brother as you know, was married. So he need to give commitment to his new family. However, my mother will be back shortly after this. I'm having a short semester break for almost 2 week. After that, the new year and the last year of my University-ing starting. Click "Baca Lagi>>" to read more. I'm in the mood to write. Please read it until the end and think about it.

I've saw the rotation of the cycle has begun. This is life. When I go back to Parit Raja, there will be only my parents and my younger sister in this house. The number is decreasing. This is life. There you go, I've said it twice. Are we prepared to be like that when day is come? Our child will begin to adult and living their own life. If Allah willing to give us time to feel that of course since death is not only happen when we are old right? I remember what my house-mate have told me about life. He said we studying hard at schools, university and working hard. In the end, their children will placed him at old-folk house. He have ask me "why we doing all that since in the end, we will placed at old-folk house?" I didn't answer since I don't have idea what to say. However, I've thought about it on the bus on the way to Klang (I tend to think a lot on the bus).

The answer is so easy, I've know about that a long time ago. I just don't remember the answer when my friend ask about that. The answer lies to our intention. There you go, that's the answer. The answer is in the Holy Al-quran. Why we're being created? It stated in the Surah Az-Zariyat verse 56, (Don't think I memorize that, I also check it on the internet) we were made to worship Allah and living in this world as our investment at "Akhirat" later. So that's why everything we do, we do it the best as we can for Allah. That's why everything we're do when we do it for Allah, it is count as "ibadah" and gain reward from Allah. And I'm pretty sure about this, that as a student, study is also a "jihad". The concept of "jihad" is a struggle of any type, for Allah. It comes from the verb "jahada" in arabic(also I search it in internet, so correct me if I'm wrong). The narrowed mind of others who think the word "jihad" is only used in the war which linking us, Muslim as a terrorist must and need to be tuned-in again. Yes, the term "jihad" in the battlefield is always being used. The word had giving shiver to Islam enemy since "jihad" is doing the very best and anything for Allah even their own life. The question had been answered. In the end, we will never feel regret from what we have done in our life even if we're fated to be in the "old-folk house". We will still be thankful for Allah for giving us opportunities in this world. However, referring to my family so far, my late grandparents didn't really abandoned I think. So it means that not all people will do that to their parents when their getting older.

I think that's all for now.
The wheel started to moving, the ball starts spinning and changing direction.

I hope you all could understand the metaphor that I've used. Even I'm still even don't have any nominates to be my wife, I think I should think far also. What if I ended in "old-folk house"? But I accept it as a fate for me as a servant to Allah. The main point here is to do anything the best for Allah.

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