Hanya coretan tertulis di minda
pelbagai cereka bermain di mata
cereka fantasi mahupun nyata
Bagai pementasan opera juga orkestra
Sayu hatiku, sesayu irama syahdu
Girang hatiku, seriang bayi yang bertatih
Segar hatiku, sesegar bunyian burung di rimba
Rindu hatiku, serindu pungguk mendamba bulan
Mata zahir, mata hati
pelbagai hidangan disaji
yang baik, yang keji
ukurannya, ukurlah sendiri
Kerasmu sekeras batu
lembutmu Irama Melayu
Indahmu seindah salju
Santunmu tertunduk malu
Kain putih diberi
cantingnya di tanganmu
sayangkan kain indah tiada
penghujung indah perlukan usaha
Bila sampai di akhirnya
kain itu membalut dirimu
samada bermanfaat atau tak bererti
tak guna disesali lagi
(Iqbal Nasir 25Mei2009 3.57 am, Klang)
Hi minna, as usual, I will update my blog at least once a week. Last post is about my 20th birthday. Although there are not many wishing me for my birthday, I still be grateful because there are still people concern about me. At least I'm not alone at all. For that, thank you very much for your wishes.
For your information, this year birthday celebration was full of food. For people who know me, they not my appetite is not really big. I have Pizza Hut and Secret Recipe for the day of my birthday, and satay for the next day.

This two picture from Pizza Hut
Then, when I go back to my University, now I am in a new subject which is multimedia and now doing simple clay animation. I did mention simple right? However, it is just because we need to do it in 4 days and only for 3 minutes. However, the first day of the class is really tiring day. We need to do storyboard, make the character, and the stage. Second day which is today, we just have the shooting.
Really tiring
If you notice, (which I think you don't) I have a new haircut. It just plain short hair. Nothing special. I have it at 25 May 2009 around 4 o'clock Malaysia time. And then, really early that morning, I wrote something. It just came through my mind at that time. It's in Malay which is at beginning of this post.
I think that's all for now. And before I forget, I forgot to thanks my parents for my last post. Thank you for patiently taking care of me.
Also I forgot to tell you :
1st time I watch my favorite group, V6 is at Music Station, performing Honey Beat with many student on stage.That's all, mata ne,
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